Monday, December 18, 2006


It's Monday morning and I am recovering from a long night of Christmas partying, as you will probably be able to tell from this post. It was fun to see old friends, talk to family and meet new people, but I'm glad it's all over. Now I can rest knowing there is no class to attend the next day or homework that is due. That's right, I'm a student, and a graduate student at that. I wish someone would have told me before I jumped into the fire how hot it was going to be. Oh well, too late for that now; might as well sit back and enjoy the ride. Speaking of rides, I rode the bus to work this morning and it was an amusing experience to say the least. There were your regular street people, high school students, etc., but there was also this group of women who were just yakin' away about how to cook things, accidents in the kitchen, and anything else that came to mind. It was comical to watch the men on the bus just stare at them as though they were from another planet. Perhaps that author had it right when he said men and women were from two different planets. Anyway, that about sums up my morning thus far. Now it's full force on into a week that will be so busy and yet, hopefully, so rewarding.

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