Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I have returned from a whirlwind two weeks of travel and I am trying to settle back into life but finding that it is hard because I know that in a few weeks I will be completely uprooting myself and moving to Colorado. There is so much going on in my life right now that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. There are a lot of really good things happening and I don't want to loose sight of those things, but it is hard. I am planning my move and have started getting things ready to go and that is exciting, yet the vastness of the work I have to do threatens to cripple me. I am engaged, completely in love, and planning my wedding. It's a dream come true, but it seems to be a bit much for me to handle at times. There are so many things happening in my family right now and I am really happy about many of them but they also produce a lot of stress and put a strain on me that keeps me from being light-hearted and happy. How do people do this??? Is there something I am missing? I want things to be enjoyable and fun. I know there are things that take hard work and focus but I am not willing to let that affect me so that I have a poor attitude or don't feel like doing anything. So, I am going to tackle this problem the only way I know how and just keep at it until I find a way to make it work. I want to be happy and satisfied and de-stressed when I am doing things that should be exciting and wonderful. I want to create good memories of these days that I will always look back on, these important days in my life. I think I can do it and if there is anything I want to accomplish this summer it is getting things into perspective and maintaining a positive outlook on what is going on. It will be tough for me but it can be done.

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