Considering my day yesterday wasn't exactly good I am more than thrilled that today was so much better. If you asked me what it made it so great I wouldn't be able to point to any one thing. It was just a generally good day. I was able to be with my nephew today, which always puts a smile on my face. We played on scooters (I almost killed myself, but that's another story), we roughhoused, he found out I was ticklish and went to town (boy it was hard getting away from him!) and basically I had an hour and a half of enjoyment. I know I say it all the time, but he is the best thing in my life. I thank God every day for letting me be a part of his life. There were other things about today that were good as well. Work wasn't stressful and the kids I work with every day were more than humerous today so we had several good laughs. It's amazing what laughing can do for you. It always feels like a burden has been lifted or that nothing is as bad as it first seemed. There is a Scripture that I love: "A joyful heart is good medicine." Prov. 17:22 Truly, laughter or merriment is the best medicine in certain situations. I know I needed it coming in to the day and what a pleasant day it made it. So, with that I think I'll post something funny. This is from a Calvin and Hobbs comic and it reminds me of one of my students (a girl no less!!)
Calvin writing: Thursday, Day 4 -- Light winds, good humidity. Progress slow, getting discouraged.
Calvin writing again: I'm only burping - not truly belching. Mellow roundness remains elusive. Harmonics coming along with developing amplitude. Hang in there!
Calvin turns to Hobbs and says: "They say you should keep a log when you take up a sport."
Here's another one since it's right in front of me. Enjoy!!!
Calvin: Mom and Dad say I should make my life an example of the principles I believe in. But every time I do, they tell me to stop it.
Hobbs: I'm not sure that total self-indulgence is really a principle.
The wanderings of a female mind can be dangerous in and of themselves, but add definite opinions to those thoughts and you have something that is truly a sight to behold.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
What a day. I would like to say it was an emotional roller coaster but I don't think there were any highs so that doesn't fit. I hate days when it seems like everything is horrible. You logically know that is not true, but that is how you feel. Ah, the age old struggle of making your mind and your heart agree. Well, they certainly didn't agree today. My mind was saying, stay calm, nothing is that big a deal. My heart was saying just sit down and cry, the world is coming to an end (ok, maybe that's a stretch - my life is coming to an end). Isn't it amazing though how when your heart is not at rest your mind is not either? Isn't it even more scary that a woman's heart can be affected by a fluctuation in hormones? Girls, you know those days when there is absolutely no reason to cry but for whatever reason, you feel like crying and the only reason you can give is the date on the calendar? Thank goodness there is chocolate to come to the rescue. Yes, it is the female miracle cure. It really does seem to balance things out. Maybe that's why my day still hasn't calmed down - no chocolate. Hmmmm. Perhaps I should quit posting this and go remedy that. . . . . You know, I think that's a very good idea. Sorry so short and silly, but I gotta go. Chocolate is calling.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
The Man in My Life
I have so many friends who have asked me if I have a boyfriend yet or whether even if I'm married yet. Today my children's choir asked me when I was ever going to get married or if I even wanted to get married, seeing as I don't appear to like men to much (their words; not mine). However, there is a man in my life. He is wonderful, adorable, so loving, and absolutely one of the best things that has ever happened to me. He makes me smile, helps me get through each day, and is always ready to offer me a hug and a kiss whenever I need it. I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about him. I never really knew what love was until I met him. We've been through some rough things together and we've managed to love each other more after they were over than before we went through them. I think about him all the time, can't stand being away from him, and my day is not complete until I have seen him at least once before I go to bed. I don't know how I lived before him or what I would do without him and I've decided to post a picture of him here so everyone can see the man in my life.

Think this is him????
Isn't he great?!!!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Doing Right
Why is it so hard to do what's right? There are so many answers to that question and many of them are true, but an answer doesn't always help in the doing of it. I was reading a biography this week of a man who was born-again (John 3:1 - 21, for those who don't know what I'm talking about). After he was saved he came to the realization that everything about him (body, soul, mind, heart) now belonged to the Lord. The cross had severed him from the world and now every thought and action would be governed by Jesus and done for His glory alone. It is one thing to hear this and mentally know this and another thing completely to experience it. If you really experience it then when situations arise you can do the right thing. It may be uncomfortable, at times painful, or even costly to yourself but you can still do what's right. How confronting it was to read this, knowing there are so many things in my life that have not been wholly given over to the Lord. My mind is still very much wilfull in its thoughts and my heart refuses to obey even the simplest of commands (Jeremiah says the heart is deceitful above all else - Jer. 17:9). I could go on and on, sadly, and all because I haven't really allowed the cross to do its complete work in my life. That's why I can't do what's right in certain situations. That's why I fail so many times in my attempts to do the right thing. There are some days and some instances when I allow the cross to work in my life and I can truly say that those are the most wonderful times in my life. There is definitely pain and loss as a part of me dies, but the new life and freedom that is birthed is so much better than anything I had before I allowed the cross to do its work. Now, if only I would let that be a complete work and not hold back parts of my life from the work of the cross. Lord, as I walk this road, help me give every part of me to the cross that every part of me might live in "newness of life", free from the bonds of sin which so easily beset me.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
What a day. Phew! So glad it's over. It wasn't a really hard day, but it had its moments. Some frustrations, some accomplishments, and some hurts. But, it is over now, a new day is about to start (as soon as I sleep), and I'm sure there will be plenty to worry about tomorrow. If there is anything I have learned in life it is to not go to bed without resolving whatever is bothering you. You don't sleep well and you wake up even more irritated. I don't always succeed, but today, thankfully, I think I will. Perhaps that makes this a good day. Probably. By the way, I'm still waiting for comments from everyone. So, start posting.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Another Wednesday
There wasn't anything too terribly interesting that happened today. I started some of my research in which I will be able to work with human subjects, which is very exciting to me. I will also be able to work with several computer programs used in data analysis in my field and that is pretty cool. I get to play with new digital "toys" as my instructor calls them and that is always fun. Speaking of new toys and computer programs I am finally learning more about how to post stuff on the internet. I know, I know, I'm way behind, but there's no time like the present to learn new things. I'll even attempt to post a picture with this blog. Warning, it will probably not have anything to do with anything, but at least I can feel good about doing something successfully. Oh, look, I actually got two on there! Score one for me and learning to do something new. More crazy pictures to come tomorrow. Enjoy!!!!!!!
This is me doing something I never usually do: modeling (oh what we do for friends!)
This is me doing something I never usually do: modeling (oh what we do for friends!)
A Complaint
Okay, everyone, I am officially complaining! I know somebody is reading this blog because the number of times viewed keeps going up, but where are you????? Try as I might to persuade you all to post a comment, almost no one does. What are you so afraid of? I promise to be nice if and when I respond to your comment. Come on. I need some feedback. Do you hate what I write? Do you like it? Does it amuse you? Someone please write something. Come on, be brave, you can do it. Just a few lines or even a note to say you were here. Honestly, guys, half the point of a blog is to have interaction with others who are online. Don't let me down.
I don't know what I'm doing up at this hour of the morning, but I'm awake and thought I'd post something. This post will be short as my other posts have been exceptionally long. Life right now is good. A bit complex at times, but good. It's funny how sometimes when you think your world is spinning out of control in actuality it is spinning into a better position than it was in. I think it's just the transition that is unnerving, or at least more unnerving than the final outcome. Anyway, I promise not to ramble or make any allusions that I can't fully explain here on my blog. I do want to say thank you to everyone who reads my blog and especially those who post on it. I love the interaction and I can't interact with myself. Well, I could, but that would raise serious questions as to my sanity (questions already exists; wouldn't want to encourage more). To all those friends I haven't seen in a while: hello, I miss you, call me sometime. To those I see everyday: ah, I say plenty to you when I see you. No need to post anything here. Until next time.
Monday, January 22, 2007
A Great Evening
Sunday night was one of the most perfect evenings I have had in a long while. I was at an anniversay celebration for my pastors who were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. It was a night to remember. The young people in my church were putting on the event with some help from our adult counterparts. We had worked for months on it, hoping everything would go off without a glitch. We had prepared special music and dancing and a reception at this amazing resort. Everything was in place last night. It was going to be a lot like a wedding reception, and that was cool 'cause I haven't been to one in a long time. The evening started with rain, which didn't look to be a good sign, but then it started snowing!!!! If you are from Tucson, you know how amazing it is to see snow. It makes any day a special day, and if it's already a special day it becomes even more special. Anyway, the guests started showing up, people were everywhere, and dinner was served. Now, we had tried to keep this evening as much a surprise as possible, but we had failed miserably, except when it came to the music. We didn't tell anyone what we were going to do except for a couple of requests made by the pastors. So, the time came for us to perform and it truly was a pleasant surprise for all there. We sang several old school love songs, which I must say went off very well, we did a couple of Broadway type dance numbers and then we got to have a little fun and do some line dancing. Our pastors were very surprised and thoroughly enjoyed it. YES, I love success. I have to pause for a moment and acknowledge that perhaps the best song that night was performed by our pastor. He sang a song for his wife that had been performed in their wedding forty years ago. It was so, I don't know, I don't have words to describe it. All I can say it that if I ever manage to get married I hope I have what they have. They have committed themselves not only to their marriage but to the Lord and the testimony is so strong, no one could dismiss it. They have been a true picture of what marriage can be and should be. Yes, they have had problems, but those problems have brought them closer together and made them even more determined to make their marriage not only work, but be everything the Lord intended it to be. The rest of the evening was filled with mingling, watching my nephew (who had waaaay toooo much sugar), taking pictures, posing for pictures, and all the other things you do at those types of events. After the event we had to break down everything and put it away, but even that was ok because I got to throw snowballs at my friends while we were loading equipment [know, I'm terrible! :)] Then, I drove home and found that it had snowed there as well. It has been a while since I've seen snow cover everything in my front yard. What a perfect ending to a great day. The evening was one of those events that creates special memories you can always loook back on and smile at. I'm so glad I was a part of it and that everything went so well.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
I'm up on a Saturday morning and not in rehearsal - surprising. I'm awake and in a good mood before 10 a.m.- even more surprising. I thought I would continue my humorous rant this morning and post the male half of the previous post.
What every man thinks they know, should know, but, sadly, don't. Men think they already know everything, but wait... they don't. Training courses are now available for men on the following subjects:
1. Housecleaning, the Final Frontier: Where No Man Has Gone Before
2. The Undiscovered Side of Banking: The Checking Account is for Spending, and not just on yourself, and TheSavings Account is for Saving.
3. Parties: Going in Style
4. Female Management: A Little Help Around the House Will Get You Most of What You Want
5. Bathroom Etiquette 1: Put the Toilet Seat Down
6. Bathroom Etiquette 2: Any Razor Left Out is Public Property
7. Communication Skills 1: Tears - No Need to Fear, They are a Natural Occurence
8. Communication Skills 2: Don't Argue With Her, You Won't Win
9. Communication Skills 3: Grunting is not an Acceptable Form of Communication
10. Driving a Car Safely: A Skill You Must not Only Acquire but Use
11. Telephone Skills: Don't Talk to Someone When You are on the Phone to SomeoneElse
12. Introduction to Manners: Need I say more????
13. Advanced Manners: Actually Using Them
14. Fat Retention: Flat Tire or Spare?
15. Cooking 1: You Want it You Make it
16. Cooking 2: Beer and Potato Chips are Not a Food Staple
17. Criticism Prevention: How not to Harass your Wife about her Weight
18. Compliments: Giving Them
19. CTS(Continual Testosterone Syndrome): It Does Exist and Is Hazardous to Your Health
20. Dancing: You Don't Know What You're Missing
21. Classic Clothing: Nice (read Expensive) Clothing
22. Household Dust: Don't Run From It, You Can't Hide
23. Integrating Your Laundry: Should There Be Such a Thing?
24. Frequent Love and Care: Your Wife Needs Both
25. TV Remotes: Sharing is Acceptable
What every man thinks they know, should know, but, sadly, don't. Men think they already know everything, but wait... they don't. Training courses are now available for men on the following subjects:
1. Housecleaning, the Final Frontier: Where No Man Has Gone Before
2. The Undiscovered Side of Banking: The Checking Account is for Spending, and not just on yourself, and TheSavings Account is for Saving.
3. Parties: Going in Style
4. Female Management: A Little Help Around the House Will Get You Most of What You Want
5. Bathroom Etiquette 1: Put the Toilet Seat Down
6. Bathroom Etiquette 2: Any Razor Left Out is Public Property
7. Communication Skills 1: Tears - No Need to Fear, They are a Natural Occurence
8. Communication Skills 2: Don't Argue With Her, You Won't Win
9. Communication Skills 3: Grunting is not an Acceptable Form of Communication
10. Driving a Car Safely: A Skill You Must not Only Acquire but Use
11. Telephone Skills: Don't Talk to Someone When You are on the Phone to SomeoneElse
12. Introduction to Manners: Need I say more????
13. Advanced Manners: Actually Using Them
14. Fat Retention: Flat Tire or Spare?
15. Cooking 1: You Want it You Make it
16. Cooking 2: Beer and Potato Chips are Not a Food Staple
17. Criticism Prevention: How not to Harass your Wife about her Weight
18. Compliments: Giving Them
19. CTS(Continual Testosterone Syndrome): It Does Exist and Is Hazardous to Your Health
20. Dancing: You Don't Know What You're Missing
21. Classic Clothing: Nice (read Expensive) Clothing
22. Household Dust: Don't Run From It, You Can't Hide
23. Integrating Your Laundry: Should There Be Such a Thing?
24. Frequent Love and Care: Your Wife Needs Both
25. TV Remotes: Sharing is Acceptable
Friday, January 19, 2007
Something Funny
Ok, so the last post was a bit rough, but now for something funny. It's the end of the work week and the weekend is here. We can all relax a bit and breathe a sigh of relief. My friend sent me something funny and I thought, in celebration of the weekend finally getting here, I would post it. Sadly enough it is making fun of women, but it is really funny. Plus, I have a response to it that I will post tomorrow, so, men, watch out.
Women think they already know everything, but courses
are now available for women on the following subjects:
1. Silence, the Final Frontier: Where No Woman Has Gone Before
2. The Undiscovered Side of Banking: Making Deposits
3. Parties: Going Without New Outfits
4. Man Management: Minor Household Chores Can Wait Till After The Game
5. Bathroom Etiquette I: Men Need Space in the Bathroom Cabinet Too
6. Bathroom Etiquette II: His Razor is His
7. Communication Skills I: Tears - The Last Resort, not the First
8. Communication Skills II : Thinking Before Speaking
9. Communication Skills III: Getting What you Want Without Nagging
10. Driving a Car Safely: A Skill You CAN Acquire
11. Telephone Skills: How to Hang Up
12. Introduction to Parking
13. Advanced Parking: Backing Into a Space
14. Water Retention: Fact or Fat
15. Cooking I: Bringing Back Bacon, Eggs and Butter
16. Cooking II: Bran and Tofu are Not for Human Consumption
17. Cooking III: How not to Inflict Your Diets on Other People
18. Compliments: Accepting Them Gracefully
19. PMS: Your Problem...Not His
20. Dancing: Why Men Don't Like To
21. Classic Clothing: Wearing Outfits You Already Have
22. Household Dust: A Harmless Natural Occurrence Only Women Notice
23. Integrating Your Laundry: Washing It All Together
24. Oil and Gas: Your Car Needs Both
25. TV Remotes: For Men Only
Women think they already know everything, but courses
are now available for women on the following subjects:
1. Silence, the Final Frontier: Where No Woman Has Gone Before
2. The Undiscovered Side of Banking: Making Deposits
3. Parties: Going Without New Outfits
4. Man Management: Minor Household Chores Can Wait Till After The Game
5. Bathroom Etiquette I: Men Need Space in the Bathroom Cabinet Too
6. Bathroom Etiquette II: His Razor is His
7. Communication Skills I: Tears - The Last Resort, not the First
8. Communication Skills II : Thinking Before Speaking
9. Communication Skills III: Getting What you Want Without Nagging
10. Driving a Car Safely: A Skill You CAN Acquire
11. Telephone Skills: How to Hang Up
12. Introduction to Parking
13. Advanced Parking: Backing Into a Space
14. Water Retention: Fact or Fat
15. Cooking I: Bringing Back Bacon, Eggs and Butter
16. Cooking II: Bran and Tofu are Not for Human Consumption
17. Cooking III: How not to Inflict Your Diets on Other People
18. Compliments: Accepting Them Gracefully
19. PMS: Your Problem...Not His
20. Dancing: Why Men Don't Like To
21. Classic Clothing: Wearing Outfits You Already Have
22. Household Dust: A Harmless Natural Occurrence Only Women Notice
23. Integrating Your Laundry: Washing It All Together
24. Oil and Gas: Your Car Needs Both
25. TV Remotes: For Men Only
The Way Girls Dress
There is one subject that keeps going around in my head and I'm finally going to post on it. To the those easily offended, don't read any further, There are some crass remarks, but they are warrented.
The way girls dress. Being an avid observer of human behavior and working with customers every day, I notice what people wear. Call me old fashioned, prudish, overly modest, whatever you like, but I am appalled at the way women dress. Why is it that the accepted dress code for women is to either show one half to two-thirds of their cleavage or wear something that shows what type of thong they have on. Oh, and the scraps of cloth held loosely together by some ring or tie that pass as shirts should be outlawed. A) They're just gross and B) Most of the women wearing them have no business doing so. I am so sick of seeing bare midriffs, skirts that should be labeled as underwear, jeans that look painful to walk in, breasts that are about to fall out of shirts, and "dresses" that were probably purchased in the toddlers section of the store. Oh, and if the 20 to 30 yr. olds wearing these things aren't bad enough there are always the 40 to 60 yr. olds that are. Is there no one else out there offended by this sight? And speaking of offensive, what about those who are serviously overweight and dress as though they are not. My poor eyes have been subjected to bellies that move by themselves, rear ends that move long after the legs have stopped walking and people wearing clothes that look like they will burst with just one wrong movement. Don't get me wrong, this is not a slam on overweight people. I've struggled with my weight most of my adult life; but I don't flaunt what is unattractive about me as though it were. The main point is, why do women cheapen themselves by dressing the way they do? Women today are supposed to be respected for who they are and not merely the fact that they are attractive, but how do expect anyone to get past the "looks" if that is all you are playing up? Besides, why do you need to run around practically naked to feel like you are attractive? No man is really thinking how attractive you are anyway. You've given them no chance. From "hello" you have their minds in the bedroom, with no time to notice the qualities about you that make you attractive. They probably couldn't tell you what color your eyes are or whether or not they like your hair color or even if they think you have an attractive face. All they see is what will momentarily satisfy them. Every girl wants to feel like they are attractive, and they like being noticed, but don't use that as an excuse for bad dressing. You are valuable because of who you are, not how you look. There is so much more to you than a body. Why don't you make someone work to know you instead of letting them see at first glance what should be one of the most intimate parts of you? When you dress, have some respect, for yourself, women in general, those around you - both guys and girls- and if you hold any belief in God, Him. Ok, I'm getting off my soap box now. You can relax again.
The way girls dress. Being an avid observer of human behavior and working with customers every day, I notice what people wear. Call me old fashioned, prudish, overly modest, whatever you like, but I am appalled at the way women dress. Why is it that the accepted dress code for women is to either show one half to two-thirds of their cleavage or wear something that shows what type of thong they have on. Oh, and the scraps of cloth held loosely together by some ring or tie that pass as shirts should be outlawed. A) They're just gross and B) Most of the women wearing them have no business doing so. I am so sick of seeing bare midriffs, skirts that should be labeled as underwear, jeans that look painful to walk in, breasts that are about to fall out of shirts, and "dresses" that were probably purchased in the toddlers section of the store. Oh, and if the 20 to 30 yr. olds wearing these things aren't bad enough there are always the 40 to 60 yr. olds that are. Is there no one else out there offended by this sight? And speaking of offensive, what about those who are serviously overweight and dress as though they are not. My poor eyes have been subjected to bellies that move by themselves, rear ends that move long after the legs have stopped walking and people wearing clothes that look like they will burst with just one wrong movement. Don't get me wrong, this is not a slam on overweight people. I've struggled with my weight most of my adult life; but I don't flaunt what is unattractive about me as though it were. The main point is, why do women cheapen themselves by dressing the way they do? Women today are supposed to be respected for who they are and not merely the fact that they are attractive, but how do expect anyone to get past the "looks" if that is all you are playing up? Besides, why do you need to run around practically naked to feel like you are attractive? No man is really thinking how attractive you are anyway. You've given them no chance. From "hello" you have their minds in the bedroom, with no time to notice the qualities about you that make you attractive. They probably couldn't tell you what color your eyes are or whether or not they like your hair color or even if they think you have an attractive face. All they see is what will momentarily satisfy them. Every girl wants to feel like they are attractive, and they like being noticed, but don't use that as an excuse for bad dressing. You are valuable because of who you are, not how you look. There is so much more to you than a body. Why don't you make someone work to know you instead of letting them see at first glance what should be one of the most intimate parts of you? When you dress, have some respect, for yourself, women in general, those around you - both guys and girls- and if you hold any belief in God, Him. Ok, I'm getting off my soap box now. You can relax again.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Wednesday, Part 2
Here is the second part of this post. I read soemthing yesterday and I wanted to post it but it was too different from the content of the first post to put them together, so it has its own. I love John Donne's poetry and this particular poem is really great. I hadn't read it before, but now that I have it is one of my favorites by him.
Wilt Thou forgive that sin where I begun,
Which was my sin, though it were done before?
Wilt Thou forgive that sin through which I run,
And do run still, though still I deplore?
When Thou hast done, Thou hast not done;
For I have more.
Wilt Thou forgive that sin which I have won
Others to sin, and made my sins their door?
Wilt Thou forgive that sin which I did shun
A year or two, but wallowed in a score?
When Thou hast done, Thou hast not done;
For I have more.
I have a sin of fear, that when I've spun
My last thread, I shall perish on the shore;
But swear by Thyself that at my death Thy Son
Shall shine as He shines now and heretofore;
And having done that, Thou hast not done;
I fear no more.
How sad that I must make the same errors over and over again and refuse to give up the sins in my life that are not only a detriment to myself but those around me as well. And yet, how wonderful to know that the grace of God will keep reaching out to me, offering me forgiveness if ever I ask.
Wednesday, Part 1
Okay, so this post has two parts to it, so you have to read both parts to get the full thing. First, I finally have something funny to post. It's actually more of a humorous story than something really funny, but at least it's a start. This poem is about a 5 yr. old girl who one asked her mom where they were going when they got in car to go home. Her mother lightly responded that they were going to the moon, and the girl completely believed her. Upon pulling into her driveway, she realized that they were not going to the moon, but going home and was sadly disappointed. Her mother assured her that some day she could travel to the moon, but not that evening. The little girl was quite beside herself and really did not understand how her mother could tell her something and not mean one bit of it. She did eventually calm down, but to this day she remembers this incident.
"To the Moon"
We're goin' to the moon! My mom said so.
I got my shoes and bag; I'm ready to go.
We're getting in the car - Oh, I can't wait!
The car just started. Hold on shipmates!
Up and away; I see a star!
Here we are in the sky; the moon can be far.
Hey, wait a minute! Something is wrong.
We've been in this car WAY too long.
We're still on the street; not in the air.
And, hey, that's my house right over there.
Why'd the car stop? This isn't the moon.
No, I wanna go now, not some day soon.
You said we were goin'. You told me a lie.
I wanna go to the moon. Now I'm gonna cry.
Next time you aught to say what you mean.
Or mean what you say at the very least.
By the way, the auditions on American Idol were hilarious. I haven't laughed that hard at a TV show in a long while. I'm am amazed that people actually do that kind of thing in public. Not to mention dress the way some of them do. What were they thinking when they left their houses that day??????
Monday, January 15, 2007
New Week
It's a new week. School started last week and the semester began with the usual craziness, but somehow I still feel like I'm on break. Perhaps because the first truly full week of classes won't come until next week. Guess I'll enjoy this feeling of down time until my pleasant reverie is broken by the sudden realization that life is still happening around me and my dream of escape is just that, a dream. In all seriousness, though, I am relieved that the chaos of the holiday season has ceased and there is some sort of order to my life again. Yes, you guessed it, I am obsessive about order. I need things to be in their place and functioning in some type of routine in order to feel happy and secure. That said, I do like some adventure every now and then and the holiday season affords me that. So, I've had my fun and now it's time to "buckle down", as my mother always says, and do some work. To all those of you who returned to school as well, best of luck to you. To those who are at jobs or just functioning in the routines of everyday life, I hope you enjoy yourself. Oh, by the way, I've been looking for something funny to post. If anyone has something please drop me a note and I'll post it. There's nothing like smiling and laughing to get you off to a good start. Have a great day everyone. Cheers!!!!!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Catching Up
Okay. I know, I know, I know. I haven't posted in FOREVER, but I'm going to change that right now. At first I didn't have anything to write and then so much was happening I didn't have time to write. My life has been a true whirlwind the last week. I have seen God open so many doors and give me so many opportunities and I have also had to stop and reflect on things in my life and make some much needed adjustments. I will start from the beginning and try to relate it all as simply as possible so you all can catch up on my world and what has been going on with me. First, the new year started with family and friends, being with my church family. I was looking around the room as we all brought in the new year and thinking, "I wouldn't want to be any other place in the world. These are the people I care most about in the world, whom I identify with, who love me and care about me and are there for me through thick or thin when it matters most." Yes, I have friends and people that I care about that were not there, but those there are those that are truly my family. It reminds me of when Jesus said, "My mother and my brothers are those who do the will of God." My church family has been there for me through all the hard times in my life, they have challenged me to live up to the standards the Bible gives for Christian living, they have loved me when there was no one else to love me. They are truly my family.
Then I spent some time New Years Day with some old friends from school. We talked about music theory, teaching music, and our lives in general. It was good to see old friends and spend some time with close friends. Oh, and I slept until 10 that morning so I had lots of sleep. The rest of the week was back to work and tying up loose ends for the coming semester. I found out on Wednesday that I had been accepted for a new job (more pay, benefits) and then my supervising teacher offered me the opportunity of a life time- the chance to be involved in research and then work as a co-author for the published research. I am so excited and so thrilled to be a part of something that I love doing so much. This will give me the opportunity to learn as well as participate in an area of my field that I have as of yet not been a part of. I cannot express the excitement I feel. Last weekend was also one that was very fulfilling in my personal life. There were decision about old habits and relationships that I needed to make but have been avoiding. I was put in a position where I had to make those decisions and now I am so glad I did. There truly is such a freedom when you know you have done the right thing, even if at the time it is painful.
I can't say that this week has been nearly as good as the last. In fact, it has been rather difficult, but God is still so good. I was a little depressed and not very cheerfuy last night on my way to a chapel service and I started thinking about some scriptures that the Lord has made so real to me in the last year. In the New Testament it talks about giving a sacrifice of praise, which is worshiping and praising God even when you are hurting or you don't feel like it, and then in the Old Testament it talks about putting on "the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness". I decided as I went into the chapel that I was going to praise God no matter what was going wrong in my life and how I felt about it. You know, as the service went along I began to have joy- real happiness that is from God- and by the end I was completely relieved. It wasn't that my problems had disappeared, but I had been given new strength to deal with them and my joy had been restored so that I could be positive and thankful about the goodness of the Lord.
One last thought before I end this post. I heard a Scripture in church on Sunday and it so fit my goal for my life that I decided to post it here. "This is in keeping with my own eager desire and persistent expectation and hope, that I shall not disgrace myself nor be put to shame in anything: but that with the utmost freedom of speech and unfailing courage, now as always heretofore, Christ (the Messiah) will be magnified and get glory and praise in this body of mine and be boldly exalted in my person, whether through (by) life or through (by) death." Phil. 1:20 (Amplified) That Scripture is my heart's cry and I hope and pray that I may live up to it day by day.
Then I spent some time New Years Day with some old friends from school. We talked about music theory, teaching music, and our lives in general. It was good to see old friends and spend some time with close friends. Oh, and I slept until 10 that morning so I had lots of sleep. The rest of the week was back to work and tying up loose ends for the coming semester. I found out on Wednesday that I had been accepted for a new job (more pay, benefits) and then my supervising teacher offered me the opportunity of a life time- the chance to be involved in research and then work as a co-author for the published research. I am so excited and so thrilled to be a part of something that I love doing so much. This will give me the opportunity to learn as well as participate in an area of my field that I have as of yet not been a part of. I cannot express the excitement I feel. Last weekend was also one that was very fulfilling in my personal life. There were decision about old habits and relationships that I needed to make but have been avoiding. I was put in a position where I had to make those decisions and now I am so glad I did. There truly is such a freedom when you know you have done the right thing, even if at the time it is painful.
I can't say that this week has been nearly as good as the last. In fact, it has been rather difficult, but God is still so good. I was a little depressed and not very cheerfuy last night on my way to a chapel service and I started thinking about some scriptures that the Lord has made so real to me in the last year. In the New Testament it talks about giving a sacrifice of praise, which is worshiping and praising God even when you are hurting or you don't feel like it, and then in the Old Testament it talks about putting on "the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness". I decided as I went into the chapel that I was going to praise God no matter what was going wrong in my life and how I felt about it. You know, as the service went along I began to have joy- real happiness that is from God- and by the end I was completely relieved. It wasn't that my problems had disappeared, but I had been given new strength to deal with them and my joy had been restored so that I could be positive and thankful about the goodness of the Lord.
One last thought before I end this post. I heard a Scripture in church on Sunday and it so fit my goal for my life that I decided to post it here. "This is in keeping with my own eager desire and persistent expectation and hope, that I shall not disgrace myself nor be put to shame in anything: but that with the utmost freedom of speech and unfailing courage, now as always heretofore, Christ (the Messiah) will be magnified and get glory and praise in this body of mine and be boldly exalted in my person, whether through (by) life or through (by) death." Phil. 1:20 (Amplified) That Scripture is my heart's cry and I hope and pray that I may live up to it day by day.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
New Year
It's a new year. There are new chances to succeed, new chances to fail and an entire year to do both. Hopefully the successes will outweigh the failures. The beginning of a year is a good time to stop and reflect on the previous year and make adjustments as necessary. As I start this new year I will admit that I am a bit anxious to see what will happen and a bit hesitant to start a new year. I like knowing where I am going and what is happening next. When you start something and you have no idea how it will end or where you will be when it's over it's a bit scary, at least for me. However, I am also very excited about the opportunites I have before me and everything that the Lord will do in the coming year. There are new challenges to face (yes, I do like challenges) and new goals to achieve. So, here's to a successful year, a better/stronger relationship with the Lord, growing up with out growing old, learning how to love more and give more (and yes, trust more), and actually achieving my goals. 2007 is here.
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