To sum up my weekend -- GREAT! I had so much fun this past weekend. Friday night was just great. My niece's graduation was so much fun and everything turned out really well. The ceremony was really special as she marked the first graduate to be a second generation graduate in our church's school. For most schools that is no big deal, but for our small school that is quite the accomplishment. Since she was the only graduate she had a specialized ceremony that included music and speakers of her choice. Favorite point of the ceremony: singing "How I Got Over" by Mahalia Jackson/ Aretha Franklin. It was sooo cool! The reception was awesome as well. We decorated everything for a Mexican fiesta so the decorations were very colorful and we had it outside so all the trees had lights in them and at night it was just incredible to see. The was tons of food - Mexican, of course (Mmmmm!) - and there was music all night long. A Mariachi band played for about an hour and then we plugged in an mp3 to a sound system and blasted everything from hip-hop to rock to jazz. We danced for two hours doing the salsa and cha-cha, disco, line dancing, twisting, freestyle, and even some head banging (ya, the "adults" were lookin' at us a little strangely). Ya, I was sore the next couple days, but nothing too terrible. I wish I could do that more. I had soooooo much fun! It's nice to just let loose and have a good time. Who cares who is looking at you? Saturday I had family over to my house and that was fun, but entertaining is always hard work. There were 27 of us in all! So, by Sunday I was very tired but it was a nice kind of tired. Last night I watched "World Trade Center". I had been meaning to watch the movie since it came out last summer but I had never gotten around to it. Then I rented it last Sunday and it sat at my house for a whole week before I watched it. I am so glad I finally sat down I watched it. It was a really good movie; one of the better ones I have seen this year. I'm not a huge Nicholas Cage fan, mostly because a lot of his movies tend to be pretty stupid, but I have to hand it to him, he is one hell of an actor. The movie was not political at all; just a good picture of some of the events of 9/11. It brought back a lot of memories of that day. It was sobering to remember what happened and how it affected so many people. Also, I think it's important to get a viewpoint of something that happened from those directly affected by it. I won't say that I was unaffected by September 11th, but I was very far removed from the actual occurrences. Watching the movie gave me a different perspective of the events that took place that day. It wasn't a politically motivating movie or even something that made me angry at the terrorists. It made me think of the suffering of the people that were directly affected by the attacks, see what they were going through, and it made me think of all the people I love and care about and question how I would respond if I were in that situation.
So, that was my weekend. I wish there were more like it - maybe there will be.
*About Me* I am a privacy freak! I'm sure that probably doesn't make sense because I have this blog and I post some personal things on it, but believe me, privacy is a big issue for me. Growing up in a large family you learn that privacy is a necessity of life. It is no good having everyone know everything you do, say, or think. Certain things work much better as your property and not as general property. People looking over your shoulder and getting into your business is no good. You do learn how to be very open about things, but you value privacy about certain things much more. So, while I may talk pretty freely and openly about my life growing up or my family in general you won't catch me telling details about pretty much anything in my life and you won't find me doing things like leaving my mail or other correspondence around for anyone to see. My privacy is sacred to me. Don't mess with it!
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