Ok, so I am not going to post anything great today, maybe tomorrow I will feel brilliant and desire to write something both enlightning and entertaining. For today you will have to settle for highlights from the past few days. Highlights from the weekend: swimming for the first time in a year, hanging out with my friends and just relaxing, getting interested in the Hebrew language and how the Bible was originally written, church on Sunday (one word - awesome!!!!), relief and peace from a very difficult situation. Highlights for this week: being with my nephew and singing Veggie Tales songs as we rolled down the grocery store aisles, hearing him tell me he loves me and then giving me kisses and hugs, a thunderstorm yesterday (love the smell of rain), playing with my nephew in the water/mud and letting him give me a mud bath (literally, I was covered from head to toe in good old Arizona dirt!), planning my vacation with my mom. You know, it's funny, but I've grown closer to my mom in the past four weeks than I have ever been. It's funny how life changes you and how relationships change. I know it's probably a bit late but I have really started viewing myself as a complete adult recently and I think it has helped me with my mom. I am starting to relate to her as an adult and not just the "mom" who always tells me what to do. I know, I know, it seems I'm a bit old to be realizing this, but I don't feel too bad. I had to grow up so fast in so many ways when I was a kid. I'm not really all that sad that it has taken me some time to grow up in at least one area. Anyway, these are some things I have experienced in the past few days. I promise to blog on something of worth tomorrow and even if it's not something of worth at least you know you can always stop here and get a healthy dose of zaniness.
*About Me* I have a hard time telling people that I love them. I don't have a hard time loving them, just letting them know that is the case. I have an uncle to whom I am very close and he was the first person to help me break this habit. I used to talk to him at least once a week (he lived in a different state) and at the end of every phone call he used to tell me he loved me. I would never return the favor, but he didn't let that stop him. He just kept it up until one day I managed to get the words out that seemed so hard to say, "I love you too." Today I am much better at that, but it is still hard for me. I feel like those words carry a committment with them and should only be spoken in complete sincerity and honesty. I don't tell many people that I really care about them, I try to show them, but saying, "I care about you" or "I love you" are not phrases that slip easily from my mouth. Maybe that's not a good thing, but at least those that I have told know I mean it with all my heart and it's not a superficial passing feeling, it is a committment to them.
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