Monday, March 24, 2008

Being Positive

I am not naturally of the disposition to be positive. I tend to notice all the terrible things in life and I have an innate knack for picking up on all the flaws around me. My sisters used to kid me that I should be a critic of some sort and then I could make money off my observations and opinions. But, I found that being negative all the time leaves you feeling pretty gloomy. You are always sad or depressed and you are never happy with what you have or what is happening. So, I started down the path of trying to change that part of who I am. It has been a rough path to follow, but I am getting better at it and I usually do best when I sit myself down and give my self a good talking to. Today I had to do just that. I was feeling pretty low. I miss my family, a lot, and I am not so happy with something in my life at the present. I was getting that very depressed feeling and didn't want to do much of anything. I could barely get out of bed this morning and drive to work. Sure, I could blame it on being tired, but truthfully, I was just depressed and feeling really down. So, I got to work and was getting ready to start my day and I decided that I didn't want to feel pessimistic all day. I didn't want to fight feelings of despair and loss for the next 18 hours. I told myself to straighten up and stop all this moping. I could either take what life and God had handed me and be satisfied with it or I could sit around being disgruntled and feeling sorry for myself. I decided that I didn't feel any better when I succumbed to the depression and opted to be positive. I made myself laugh, I made myself look at the day as a gorgeous day that I was happy to be alive in, and I made myself be happy. I decided that I was going to be positive, that I was going to see this as a day that the Lord had made and I was going to be happy and glad in it. It was a split-second decision, but it changed my day. This has been a good day, I am happy to be alive and living this day out, and I am sure that there are worse things in life than the things I have been given to handle, and even if there aren't there would still be something positive to look at even in the midst of the worst situation. So, here's to looking at the brighter side of things, to purposing to be positive, and living a joyful life no matter what is going on around me.

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