Tuesday, February 6, 2007


It's already February. It seems just yesterday it was Dec. 31 and I was wondering how the new year would go. Now it seems it is flying by faster than I can keep up. Where does the time go? I know I can account for every day of the past month, but they all seem like one long day rather than 31 very short days. I guess that one reason the Scripture says our lives are like a vapor; here today and gone tomorrow. That's sort of a sobering thought. It makes me want to make sure my life counted for something in the time I was given on Earth. Too many times I find that I have wasted my time doing something that had absolutely no meaning or purpose and then I can't buy that time back. There is no way to go back in time and retreive the minutes or hours lost. The only solution is to learn from the mistake and then determine to live life on purpose, as I once heard someone say. Not merely passing through this world or simply existing until we cease to, but really living - experiencing everything God has for us, making the most of my time, even if it is only a short time.

*About Me: Around age 6 my dad started taking me to work with him on Saturdays. We would ride the bus everywhere we went and he would show me Tucson. We always had lunch together. It was so much fun. This is how I was first introduced to coffee. My father is an avid coffee drinker, downing several glasses in a day. Wanting to be like dad I tried the stuff. While he drank his black, I added several spoons of sugar and creamer. One day after my third cup of coffee, my dad followed me to the coffee pot to watch me refill my cup. As I was adding the "extras", I heard an "Aha! I knew there was something strange about all the coffee you were drinking." He then told me I could only drink the coffee if I drank it black. That quickly brought a halt to my coffee drinking days, at least until high school.

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