Well, I meant to post yesterday, but things got busy and obviously that didn't happen. Oh well, I was having a good time anyway. Yesterday was great. I had so much fun. Work was good, performances were great, and I even got to be a little mischievous. I had enough laughs to last me at least a week, but I hope there will be more. There is just something about having a good time and laughing. No matter what happened before, if you can just laugh a little, it all seems to be not so bad. I know my first post of the week was a tad on the depressing side (sorry, that's just what was going on with me at the moment) but I am hoping the rest of this week will be good at least and great if possible. I wish I had something funny to post right now so you all could laugh with me, but (sigh) I don't. I need to find some good stuff to post and then figure out how to post it here. That is (I will admit) one good thing about myspace. You don't have to figure out how post something because it is all right there and easy to use. What I really want is a way to post some music. Hmmm. I'll have to figure that one out. Well, guess that's all for now.
*About Me* Something funny. I was a huge tomboy growing up. I didn't really play with dolls (at least not too much). Sports were more my thing. I also had a very quick temper and didn't mind having a physical match with anyone I was upset at, including the guys. I can think of more than one occasion when I was pulled off some guy that I was beating up. One particular one went as follows. On Wednesday nights I had to attend a girls class at church. The class required that all the girls wear uniforms, which included a skirt. I hated skirts and usually had shorts or pants on underneath so I could remove the offensive object as soon as I left the class. One Wednesday, this particularly obnoxious kids stopped me before I could get my skirt off and started harassing me about wearing it what did I have under the skirt anyway. He then dared me to take the skirt off and prove that I was really girl (nice kid, huh?). Well, I didn't take the skirt off, but the jeans I was wearing underneath came quite handy when I proceeded to chase him across the church parking lot and into the gymnasium where I slammed him to the ground. I was on top of him just beating the heck out of him when our youth pastor yelled, "Winchester! Get off him now!" At first I didn't comply, but the youth pastor was persistent and I eventually let up. I was so angry at that kid! I then proceeded to ask the youth pastor why I couldn't give him what he was asking for, and he responded that he couldn't, or didn't want to have to, explain to the kids parents why he was severely injured. He promised it was for my sake and not the kid's but I would have rathered he just let me finish what I had started.
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