This week was. . .interesting. . . fun (in a way). . . tiresome. . . quirky. . . hmm, and I don't know what else. Overall I think it was a good week. I definitely laughed more than I have in a long while. It just seemed there were so many funny things happening around me: co-worker craziness, kids who ate way too much sugar, some stories told that were supposed to be serious but were just silly, emails with crazy videos (I need a trunk monkey now!), a nephew who was more impish than ever, and I could go on for a while, but I won't. I think my favorite story was from my sister who works the night shift in a hospital. She had a patient who had some dementia and in the middle of the night the patient, who wanted to leave but was told she couldn't (of course), decided to call 911 and report that she was being held against her will. This caused quite the ruckus in the unit and left the attending tech completely at a loss as to what to do. Ah, good stuff. My favorite thing I read this week came from one of my students (11 yrs. old) in the form of a grammar assignment. I am going to post it because I liked it so much.
Definition Poem:
Love - is a ship that carries you through the storm.
Truth - is a compass to guide you on your way.
Hope - is an anchor that will not let you drift.
Faith - is a harbor, a place to stay safe.
My favorite thing I heard this week was Bryan Adams' "Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman". It is a great song musically, lyrically, and artistically. It's just beautiful.
There were other favorites but I think the best part of this week was that I was able to do so many things for so many other people and that always makes you feel good. There is just something about knowing that you are meeting some one's need or letting them know that you care about them. I'm not sure I can describe it, but it is one of the things that makes life great. Truly, it is more blessed to give than to receive.
*About Me* From age 9 to about 15 I became the world's biggest bookworm. I read everything I could get my hands on from books (any type) to magazines to text books. I was completely submerged in reading at almost every time of the day. About the only time I wasn't reading was when I was critiquing some one or something. I was very quick with come backs and very sharp tongued. My heroine was Kate in Shakespeares "Taming of the Shrew" (only I cringed that the man actually tamed her in the end). Oddly enough, there was always some humor in my critiques, so many times the people hearing them ended up laughing rather than being angry. Although this skill was fun to acquire and kept me quite entertained I learned later than it wasn't always a desireable quality in a woman nor did it speak of humility or any other Christian value.
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