Monday, March 19, 2007


Well, this day started out super crazy. I wondered if it would stay that way and whether or not I would survive it, but I did. Actually, things sort of mellowed out a little and I actually enjoyed the day. There are a lot of things I am learning right now which keeps life interesting. Sometimes I think I have gone through so much and that I must know at least something about this crazy things we call life and then sometimes I feel like I don't know anything and I have got to be the most ignorant, foolish person on the planet. I do realize that given my upbringing there are many things I have not experienced, many situations I have not been in, many things I have no knowledge of how to handle. In many ways I feel this is a good thing and that some experiences are better off not being had, but this also can make me feel very foolish at times. I don't like when I'm talking to someone and I say something or express something and they get this look in their eyes like I am a naive child or I am so ignorant and it is showing. I know it's not meant to be a condescending thing, but I can't help feeling really foolish or silly. It's tough to admit sometimes that you have no idea what someone is talking about when everyone else in the room does. It's not that you necessarily want to know what they are talking about, but the feeling that you are in the dark or are lacking knowledge that you should have is a bit unnerving for me. However, all that said, I wouldn't trade the innocence (yes, I did use that word) I have or the inexperience with many things for all the knowledge out there. I would rather be embarrassed that I don't know something and risk looking stupid than not be able to maintain what little purity I can in this world of so much impurity. I'm not saying I'm pure as the driven snow or that I have been living in a convent for the last 20 plus years. I have seen, read, thought, and experienced things that I wish I never had, but I have not allowed myself to be overly exposed to the many things out there that would take less than 24 hours to turn Cinderella into Madonna. I've chosen to do things differently, and I think that decision is the best. The only down side is learning how to cope with those who are not like you and thus operate differently from you and then learning how to maintain your purity as you interact more with the world around you. I guess that's why Jesus said we need to be wise as serpents yet innocent as doves, and also why Paul urged the New Testament Church to not be conformed to this world but to be continually transformed by the renewing of their minds. So, although I may not know a lot about things or may not be well-versed in the goings on on the average person's daily life and routine, I hope that I can learn how to deal and interact in each situation presented and without having to compromise or give up any of the values I hold as necessary for a successful Christian life. Well, I guess that's my post. Maybe I'll keep trying this spontaneous blogging. I write about some things that normally I wouldn't write about when I do this. Hmmm . . .

*About Me* My dad's family is from Texas and they are southern to the hilt. My mom's family is from the east and they are the prim and proper ones. My dad's dad was in the Army during WW II, then he worked for a telephone company and the post office. His jobs were always interesting. My grandmother only worked before they got married and never again after that. My mom's dad has a degree in math and taught school for a while but he got bored and moved into computers. He has worked in computers for over 40 years and his job has taken him all over the world. Whenever my computer is broken he is usually the one I call, and without fail, he fixes it (or tells me how to over the phone). My grandmother has a degree in nursing and then received her Ph.D. in medical science.

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