Well, the weekend is here and I am messing with my blog again. Some of the changes won't show up for a while because I'm still working on them, but you'll notice the ones I finished. There have been several things that caught my attention this week. March Madness started and although my sorry team has already lost I will still enjoy watching the rest of the NCAA tournament. College tournament basketball is really basketball at its best. I don't like watching NBA games anymore, but I'll watch almost any college game and especially one during the Madness. Spring is here in Tucson, even if it does get cold again, and I am really enjoying the weather. I love being outside this time of year. I actually had a pretty restful spring break. I caught on my sleep and I got a few things done that I had been putting off (ya, I am a procrastinator if I'm not careful), and I even got to watch some TV and a few movies and hang out at home (a rarity, believe me). Work has been up and down with some funny customer experiences and some rough spots on the job. There isn't really anything too terribly exciting happening in my life at this point, so there isn't much to write here. The next section should entertain you though.
*About Me* I decided to post pictures in my section this week. Enjoy!!!!!!!
Me and My Little Brother. He's crazy, silly, an awesome musician, too smart for his own good and I absolutely love him. Oh ya, and he's so cute!

This is my brothers and some friends being totally crazy and hamming it up. It makes for a great picture.

These are my two brothers. They think they are so cool and of course they receive plenty of female assurance that they are so good looking. I don't know, guess I'm not impressed. Just kidding. They're great.

This is my family. There are only seven of us in this picture because the oldest got married and we kicked her out of the family. JK. This is us on Christmas. Don't we look so formal??!!

My Kids - They are soooooo much fuuuuunnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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