I am so thankful today for so many things. The events yesterday with my brother were enough to cause me to pause and reevaluate the things that are important in my life. It also helped me realize the many things in my life for which I am thankful. There are so many I don't think I could name them all here but for starters I'm thankful for my family. Sure, they drive me nuts quite a bit but they also help me make some of the best memories anyone could have. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost one of my siblings. Yesterday was scary enough with the realization that things could have gone very differently. As I walked out of the hospital last night I couldn't help but wonder what if he hadn't made it and I was now one family member short. Things would be so strange and I would miss him terribly. I'm thankful he made it out of the accident alive and that it appears he will recover pretty well. I'm thankful for my mom. She has such strength and she is willing to do what is necessary in the really hard situations to take care of her kids. She's been with my brother now for almost two days at the hospital and she spends the night in the waiting room so she can get up throughout the night and check on him. I'm thankful for my church because they never stop taking care of each other. All my life I have seen them live the Scripture: When one member is hurting we all hurt with them and when one member is rejoicing we all rejoice with them. We take care of each other and make sacrifices for each other so that each person can be blessed and helped when they need it. Last thing I'll write here, I am so thankful that God lets me get up each morning and enjoy life to its fullest. Truly, it is a privilege to be on the earth and allowed to experience all the things that God has for me here.
I love this song because the words are so true and they mean so much to me.
*About Me* One thing everyone who knows me really well knows is that I absolutely love Tucson sunsets. There are no other sunsets like them in the world. I have looked in every place I've been outside Tucson and not one has compared to the beauty that is Tucson at sunset. It's amazing. So, I thought I post a few pictures of one.

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