What women want (at least this woman) is a man who is strong enough to handle her and gentle enough to love her, a man who knows what he wants and is not afraid to go after what he wants (side note: the single greatest harm feminists introduced was making pansies out of men in order to make women feel better about themselves - what a disaster!), a man who is not afraid of hard work and commitment (that's right I said the horrid word), a man who can see past himself to what others need, a man who can actually admit he is wrong (at least 1/3 of the time is even good), and last but not least a man who can not only handle criticism but grow from it. Of course in my very narrow minded thinking the single most important characteristic a good man should have is a personal knowledge of and love for God. It seems to me that if he can get that aspect of his life under control then all the others will follow. I would second guess as to whether or not any man loved me just because he said so, but if I knew he loved God then I would be even more confident that he knew how to love me and would do so. I blogged yesterday on whether or not women can be pleased and that started me thinking about what would please a woman. I'm sure there are the superficial shallow types out there who are pleased with jewelry and flowers and any other material thing that could be presented as a gift, but the majority of women can be pleased with just a few simple things. We want to be told that we are loved, that we are needed, that we are the best thing that ever happened to you (and if we're not, you need to find someone else!), that we are appreciated, that we are thought about when you are not around us (in other words we do occupy at least a small portion of your wandering thoughts), that you think we are the most beautiful creature in the world - not because we are physically but because of what we mean to you, and that your life is better because we are in it. My grandfather gave me some interesting advice last year. He said, "Find a man who worships the ground you walk on and that's who you want to marry." I think that's good advice and I'll use it. No, I don't want a limp noodle following me around everywhere, but I do want someone who doesn't want anyone else but me, can't imagine life without me, and would do anything for me. Sure, these seem like high demands, but they are necessary. Besides, it's not that men need to say these things everyday, but every now and then would be enough to keep most women more than happy. Women just want to be loved (I know it sounds cheezy but it's true). I guess, in thinking about it, that's why the Bible says for men to love their wives but women are to respect their husbands. Not that men don't need love, but they need it in the form of respect for who they are and what they do. Women need respect too, but we feel respected when you men show us that out of all the women out there you love and care for us.
So, if you absolutely hate anything I wrote here or disagree in any way, let me know. It would definitely be food for thought. Now, about loving a woman . . . .
AMEN, sister!! I agree 100%...about them needing to know and love God, about the stupid feminists turning men into pansies...EVERYTHING! you hit it right on the head with that one!
Yeah!!! There are women out there who agree with me. So good to know!!!!!
Hmmm . . . I don't remember when the feminists turned men into pansies!! I am out of some loop that I don't know about?
There is a pretty good small summary of what feminists goals are on the Tucson Online Art Community Board:
*Warning* If you follow this link and are offended by nudity then don't go. A UofA photographer posted some of his B&W (very tasteful) pictures there in order to recieve feedback from a feminist perspective. It'd be interesting to hear some of You Two's (jacqueline and femaleparadox) comments here on the issues discussed over there. (but not necessary. I'll still be your friend if you have nothing to say.) :-)
Feminists turned men into pansies when they made it a capital offense to be the strong male figure in any aspect. It is no longer acceptable in public to assert yourself as a man. Tell me where in the media or in any politicized social setting it is PC for a man to be the rough and tough macho specimen that most men just naturally are. I'm not bashing everything the feminists say or do. I completely understand why the movement was started and I am all for equal rights for women. I understand and have experienced unfair treatment just because I am a woman. Yes, there are still inequalities for women and, no, women don't always get the respect they deserve. However, my beef is with the assertion by most mainline feminists that women can basically be men in any situation given the proper tools. This is erroneous thinking. There are some things that women will never be able to do as well as men and there are things men will never be able to do as well as women. There are differences. Feminists want to destroy the differences in an attempt to achieve equality. I want to note the differences and then find a way to work at equality with those differences intact. As for your pictures - you could go both ways. They are definitely very provocative in nature and I highly doubt that there was no intention on the part of the artist to not objectify the female body as a sexual object. Would he be a man if this was not present in his production of the pictures?
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