The how or why of salvation seems to be something that is elusive to so many people. Perhaps it is because of my Christian upbringing and perhaps it is due to my own salvation experience, but the concept seems so simple to me. God created man to have a relationship with him. When man chose to sin that relationship became impossible. Instead of communion with God there was a rift because God is holy and He cannot be around or abide with sin. To correct this God sent His Son Jesus to bridge the gap and make a way for us to again have a relationship with God. That is why in John 3:16 it says that God loved the world so much that He gave His Only Son so that anyone who believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. God is the source of life and without Him there is only death or the lack of life. So, without out God we are dead. Our physical bodies still live and breathe, but we are spiritually dead. We are spiritually dead because we sin. We are both born sinners and we sin by choice. This makes us all equal. Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." That means that everyone is in need of salvation no matter who you are, what you own, what you have accomplished, how intelligent you are, how good you have attempted to be, or how successful in any respect you are. Everyone is still a sinner, dead to God, and in need of salvation in order to become spiritually alive. The salvation comes when we recognize our need for God, see ourselves as sinners dead to God, repent and accept the blood of Jesus as atonement for our sins and make Him the Lord of our lives. Then we are "re-born" and our spirit becomes alive, the relationship with God is established and we are one with the Jesus Christ. His Spirit lives in us and our lives become a manifestation of Him, not us. Every area of your life should be taken up with Jesus and what people should see is not you, but Him. Yes, you still have a personality and there are things that are specific to you; God made you the way you are and He likes the differences, but He wants those differences to be Christ controlled so that He can accomplish His will in the earth and in your life. His will is to give you the best in every area and to bless you and those around you, but too many people fail to see this. They view salvation as a ball and chain and run from anything having to do with God for fear that He will snap on the links if you get to close and that will be it - your enjoyable life will be over, you will be forced to live the drab dreary life of a Christian, and really the opposite is true. Salvation brings true freedom and the ability to live life to its fullest both for yourself and for the world around you. Jesus said He came to give us life and life more abundantly. In other words He came not just to give us life but life lived to its fullest, reaching the highest heights possible. The "chains" with which you are bound by Christ are the those of love, faith, hope, peace, and righteousness. "For the kingdom of God is. . .righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit." Romans 14:17 Jesus died so that we might have life, not experience more death. Yes, there is a dying to yourself and your desires, but the life you give up is replaced with the incredible life of Christ and that goes above and beyond anything you can ask or think.
So, while others may find it hard to grasp salvation, or perhaps it would be better said they find hard to accept salvation, it really is not complicated. It is simple enough for anyone to understand, but you have to be willing. Two more scriptures and then I'm done.
"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." I Corinthians 1:18
"And said, Truly I say to you, unless you repent (change, turn about) and become like little children [trusting, lowly, loving, forgiving], you can never enter the kingdom of heaven [at all]." Matthew 18:3.
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