Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I was at my mom's house today for a couple of hours before I had to go play for my children's choir at a performance. The afternoon was nice and I hadn't spent any length of time at my mom's in quite a while, so I was enjoying my time. The time to leave came and I had noticed that it was raining, but being that it is monsoon season here I didn't really pay attention to what was going on outside. I was dressed and ready to go about 10 minutes early and that's when I decided to look out the window and see what the weather was like. It was pouring rain, heavy rain. I could hardly see across the street the rain was so thick. Then the lightning and thunder started. The lighning was right above us making the thunder crack very loud and intimidating. I wondered how we were going to go outside and get in the car without being soaked. We decided to wait an extra 10 minutes before venturing out, hoping the storm would die down a bit. Nothing doing. It got worse. So, we started trying to figure out a way to get in the car without getting completely sopped. I had no umbrella and I was in a dress. Interesting scenario. I grabbed a towl and decided to make a run for the car. Now, I can't really run because my knee is still healing from the car accident last week, and I didn't really want to slip on the very wet front porch with its stairs that were a temporary waterfall. I carefully made my way to the car, getting very wet in the process, hoping to avoid the now very frequent strikes of lighting overhead. I step into the street to go around the car and get in the passenger seat and the water came half-way to my knees. Yes, the streets were flooded and it was still raining very heavily. I was thoroughly wet when I managed to get in the car. We then carefully drove down the street. Everywhere we went the streets were flooded and the cars looked like they were going to float down the street. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I haven't seen a rainstorm like that since I was a little kid. It reminded me of the year the Santa Cruz River overflowed and we were stuck on the west side of it for a couple of days until it finally drained enough for us to cross it and go home. After arriving at our destination 20 minutes late I counted the time it took to get in the car and to the performance: 1 hour. Crazy! It was an awesome storm to watch, though. One of the kids in the choir commented that they were pretty sure the drought was over. I think I agree with them. Hurray for the return of real Arizona monsoons!!!!!

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