Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Thought

There is nothing more sobering than the realization that you have been colossally wrong about something or that you have handled yourself in a manner that was completely wrong. In life we usually modify our thoughts and behaviors by what we know and what we are feeling at the current moment, but that can be dangerous. It is helpful to remind ourselves, and often, that there is always more to a situation, to someone's attitude, to someone's feelings than what you can see. The other person has a side too, and that side or perspective is every bit as important as yours. It is also important to remember that your own feelings and personal experiences are weighing on you at every moment, creating a bias in you that results in how you read situations and how you will handle yourself. So, when someone does something you have to judge not only what you see but what you may not see and what is going on in your own life at the time that may lead you to respond a in a certain manner. There are a couple of recent instances that come to mind for me and I can see how I did not read the situation correctly or respond in the correct manner. It's not that I was completely off in my observations, but I did not ever stop and think that perhaps there was more to it than what I saw and I never once thought that maybe what I was going through personally gave the situation a different appearance than what it really was. I was reminded of a valuable lesson I have learned before but had forgotten. You never know what someone is going through or where they are coming from, you don't know what they are thinking or what their perspective of life and even you is, so don't make assumptions about them and whatever you do don't let your actions and behaviors be ruled by what you think of them and how they are behaving. This makes for a lot less regret later on, believe me.

NOTE: I posted yesterday on what a great day Tuesday was and how good I felt. Yesterday at work was a small nightmare. It was quite possibly my worst day since starting to work there. However, I still had a small victory when I left. I was so upset and I thought for sure the rest of my day was going to be ruined because of how upset I was and worried about different things. I got in the car to go to a performance for my kids and I decided that I was just going to pray the entire way there, and I did. I asked God to help me calm down and to help me stop worrying about things that I can't change anyway. There's a Scripture that says, "Cast your care of Him, releasing the weight of it, for He cares for you." That's what I did yesterday. I just gave everything I was upset about to God and you know, my peace and happiness came back. The rest of the day was great, not because anything great happened but because I was totally resting in Jesus. I have NEVER been able to do that. I always have to worry; but not yesterday. I gave it to God and He took it and I am SO glad He did. God is so incredible, and I am so happy He is part of my life!

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