Wednesday, July 11, 2007


AHHHH! UGHHHHH! Grrrrr!!!!! No, I'm not mentally ill; no, I'm not confused; no, I'm not stupid and irrational (at least not all the time); yes, I am old enough to comprehend simple instructions on how to perform relatively simple tasks; no, I don't need a man to do everything for me; yes, I am capable of being a responsible productive adult. Any other questions you'd like me to answer? I HATE when people try to make me feel like I am two inches tall with a brain the size of a poppy seed and even less capability than physical stature. It drives me nuts! I go out of my way to let people know that I am not helpless, I am extremely independent, and I can manage most things on my own. If I need your help I will ask for it and my asking for help does not mean I need you to do it for me; it means I need help! I might not be the world's best and brightest but I am certainly not a dead light bulb either. I can do just about anything I determine I will do and my asking for help along the way doesn't mean I can't perform whatever task I am doing, it means I need some instruction on how to do something or some help with it and then you can move on your merry way and let me finish what I started. I don't want you to take it over and do it yourself; I want you to help me and that's it! Ok, I'm ranting. I'll stop. Sometimes the culmination of several things just gets to the point where I have to get things off my chest and since this medium allows me to do that, I do it. Sorry if you are completely annoyed. In case you missed it my day has been a bit frustrating. Nothing too terrible, but it is something that has been building and it finally got to be too much today. I was starting to get that animal trapped in a cage feeling and I knew I was going to have to let it all out sooner or later. I'd rather rant at no one in particular than scare someone venting at them. So, while this hasn't been one of my favorite days I will survive. Actually, there were some funny moments with my kids and the day is not over yet, so there is still hope for it. I think the stress of trying to talk to advisers and teachers, looking at graduate programs, looking for a new job, trying to budget for the next two months, and get ready for the GRE is starting to take a toll on me. It's a good thing the week is half over and the weekend will be here soon. I'm going to need it!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I HATE when people try to make me feel like I am two inches tall with a brain the size of a poppy seed and even less capability than physical stature. It drives me nuts!"

Have you considred that that is how you make people feel when you ask the obvious?

LOL! You're tickling me to death here! But in all sincerity - communication is a two way street! I don't think people are intentionally trying to make you feel like a two-inch tall tiny-brained person.
In communicating anything to another person one must also deliver the means and method for receiving feedback from the other person. That way communication is two way street.

If the questioner asks "What are you doing?" with intonations of incompetence or incredulity the response will be encased within the intonations of incompetence and/or incredulity. The intonations of words and even the phonetic pronunciation of vowels and consonants themsevles communicate much more than the words themselves.

Remember the old saying that:
Studies have shown that 90% of face-to-face communication is non-verbal.

Apparently 60% is body language, 30% is tone of voice, and only 10% is actual verbal content.

That is why life is 10% what happens to you and 89% how you interpret the it as my Grandma stills say is to this day! :-)
