Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Day

Ok, my day was rather interesting and a much needed break from the norm. First, today was the National Day of Prayer so I spent the better part of today praying. It was definitely a good thing. I so much needed it. The past week has been a hard one for me and although there have been a lot of good points and many enjoyable moments there has been a deep struggle to deal with some things. I won't lie, there have been moments when all I wanted to do was sit somewhere and cry, but that never solves anything. So, you just keep going and trusting that the Lord will help you and things will get better. Today, things got better. My sense of hope that things will turn out for the best was renewed and I am actually excited again about various aspects of my life that I was starting to become very depressed about. Prayer is so amazing in it's abilities. I found this quote today and it summed up what prayer can do.
"Prayer changes hearts. Prayer changes lives. And prayer makes us a more compassionate and giving people. When we pray we surrender our will to the Almighty, and open ourselves up to His priorities and His touch." -- President George W. Bush
There is nothing like being able to pray and hear from God, get in His presence, and tell Him everything that is in your heart and on your mind. Prayer really does work. Even when I don't always know what to say or how to say what I'm thinking or feeling, or how to pray the way I should, I still pray, knowing God knows all and sees all and He will know how to answer me. I love this Scripture: So too the Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance. Romans 8:26 So, my day started well. Then, I went to work with my kids in the afternoon and it was so funny. We started talking about taking vacations and I mentioned that I wanted to go to Fiji or some tropical island. My youngest student promptly replied that he would never want to do that. Why? Because there are cockroaches 5 to 7 inches long that bite you that live there. I asked him where he got that from and he said his brother read it in a book. Go figure!!!! This kid was convinced that the minute he stepped off the plane he would be devoured by giant cockroaches. Come to find out, his brother was reading about Venezuela and the tropical rain forest! I laughed about that one for a while. Then I spent some time this evening praying with the younger girls in my church and that was pretty interesting. I heard their prayers and opinions about everything from school to music lessons to their future husbands (and mine as well). It was actually a lot of fun. You know, I needed this today. Time to get away from everything going on in my life and just be with those who care about me and who I care most about. Time to reflect on what is really important in life and invest in the lives of those who are so much a part of my life. When I step back and look at the full picture of what is my life I can truly say that I am so blessed. Jesus has been so good, given me so much, and been the best thing that ever happened to me. I am looking forward with anticipation to what He has in store for me, knowing He does only good to those that are His.

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