Friday, May 25, 2007


You know, the past few days I have run across some strange things and had a few things happen that have left me wondering "why?". I am sure that my experiences are not anything too out of the ordinary, but that doesn't make me feel any better. Why is that the ordinary? If you are faint of heart you best not read any further for I am about to rant. I am sick of reading in the news about deranged teachers who engage in sexual activities with their students. Go find a consenting adult, you insane lunatic! Not only is it the age old issue of the male teacher becoming a little too interested in his female students but now it's women getting involved with young junior high boys and even girls. What are they thinking?! Is there a national movement to enlist more insane people than ever into the education industry? Who did background checks on these people and let them around these students? Why do so many of them feel this is acceptable behavior and even have the nerve to say they are "in love" with their students? Was there a national deficiency in emotional development ten to fifteen years ago so that those who are now adults never made it out of the hormone crazy adolescent years? Sheesh! What is going on?!!!! Second issue, John Edwards encouraging people to protest the war on Memorial Day. Up to this point I have not written about anything political, but this is enough to get me really mad. As someone who works with veterans, who knows people both in my family and out who are deployed over seas, who works with students who have a father fighting in Afghanistan right now, and who has just a general respect for those who have served and have given their lives to ensure freedom in this nation I am disgusted by this man. Talk about politicizing an issue! This man has absolutely no interest in what is going on in the war. His goal is votes, and while that is not a horrible goal to have, he should be a bit more careful about how he goes about reaching that goal. This protest would be a huge injustice to our veterans. Memorial Day is for remembering the sacrifices they made and the accomplishments they achieved. The focus should be on them and not on someone trying to win an election with charismatic phrases that have pretty much no foundation to them. If you are in doubt as to whether or not my opinion is correct, stop a veteran and ask them what they think. They view the day as time to stop and remember those who served this country and those who gave their lives for it, not as an opportunity for someone to make a political point about their opinion on our current engagement. Protesting the war is every American's right, and if that's what you believe is the right thing to do, do it. But don't, on a day we have set aside to honor our veterans, take the spotlight away from those who have done so much and have asked for so little in return.
Third issue, though not as significant as the others, older men who continually flirt with younger women. These men are married with children and yet they see no problem trying to impress the much younger girl they run across at work or elsewhere. I'm sorry, but it just disgusts me. Maybe females should be flattered at the attention, but all I can help thinking is, "Your poor wife!" Why don't they spend their energy on her? I'm sure she is not so terrible that they couldn't manage to at least pretend they are still attracted to her. If it was a once in a while thing, that would be one thing, but I know men that it is a habit with and it's just wrong. Plus, the girl is then put in an awkward situation and she is made to second guess herself and wonder how she is supposed to interact with that person. UGH! It's this type of behavior that makes one want to give up on the male gender. If there are any of you wondering why men have such a bad rap with so many women, this is a good starting point for explanation. I'm not saying all men are like this, but I have encountered so much of this in the last two weeks that it is enough to discourage any sort of hope that such behavior is not inherent to men.
So, that is my ranting for now. I hope nothing was too harsh for you all to handle.

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

Issue One: I agree. Lunatics like that give the rest of us teachers a bad image. Plus, as a middle school teacher, I've seen middle school students - they are awkward, have pimples and their brains don't work. Having said that, those teachers who have sexual relations with them must be on crack.

Issue Two: John Edwards - please go away. God Bless our Troops.

Issue Three: Kick them in the nuts. They deserve it.