Thursday, September 27, 2012


It's election season here in the United States and that means high levels of negativity, blatant falsehoods, and fear mongering are present everywhere.  It almost seems you can't get away from it.  It's on the radio, on the TV, on the internet, and on the lips of many of your friends and associates.  There is literally nowhere to hide from the "information" and "facts" that are election related.  That being said, I find myself wondering about the mechanisms behind all this election hype.  Do people really sit around all day and come up with these accusations and twisted presentations of truth, and then willfully sell them to the public in massive amounts??  Who are these people?  What kind of people are they?  How do they justify this to themselves?  Do they really believe the things they say?

In looking back over the political history of the United States, it is clear that politics have always been nasty and have always been more about power and money than about doing what is best for the electorate, the common everyday man and woman.  There have always been divided viewpoints and beliefs, and there have always been champions from both sides to defend their values and behaviors against the onslaught from the opposing side.  So, there is a very clear precedence for the behavior we see during this time of year.  However, does that justify the behavior and make it OK?

I'd like to go on the record as saying "no".  I'd also like to say that I can see no scenario in which my answer would ever be "yes".  I don't care how important you think the battle is, or urgent you think a matter is.  There never has been and never will be a "good reason" for using lies, slander, and fear as weapons for advancing your cause; I don't care which side of the issue you stand on.  I have no problem with honest debate and no problem with philosophical differences between people.  In fact, I think those are good, healthy things.  I believe those are the things which provide a stable foundation on which a strong government is founded.  Having a debate or disagreement about something, does not, however, need to include use of slanderous speech, falsehoods, or scare tactics.  Any idea or theory that is worth discussing should be able to stand on its own merits without the use of hateful mechanisms to give it weight.

Now, I'd like really say something that might ruffle a few feathers, but needs to be said.  I am absolutely appalled at the number of people who claim to be Christians or claim to follow Christ who engage in the behaviors outlined above.  It is the saddest thing of all that many people who claim to have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them find no problem with participating in producing and passing along nasty, untrue facts that are meant to scare people into agreeing with their political positions.  It's not only sad; it's downright disgusting.  That's right, disgusting.  I would rather you not associate yourself at all with the name of Christ and act that way, than to present to the whole world that not only are you associated with those who follow Christ, but you are using His name as a REASON for your behavior.  Nothing could be more slanderous or false, and it is inexcusable.  By the way, I highly doubt it does anything to sway someone towards your opinion, anyway.  It merely serves to distance others from you and from a Saviour who is nothing like the picture you are painting.  Jesus was not, is not, and never will be a politician; and He never asked any of his followers to change that for Him.

Does this mean Christians shouldn't have a voice in political matters?  No, and I am not trying to say that.  But, I am saying that Christians should act like Christians when they do involve themselves in political matters.  I believe there is a place in every area of society for those who love and follow Christ, and I believe that God has called and equipped people for every walk of life.  I believe that following Christ requires us to stand up for what is right, to challenges ideas, beliefs, and practices that are false and even evil.  I believe that we are to be firm in our convictions and not apologize when our faith does not agree with or contradicts the current culture.  I just believe that we are supposed to do all these things without sinking to poor behavior that is more representative of a fallen sinful nature than it is of a holy loving God.  There are plenty of people out there contributing to the creation of the negative atmosphere that surrounds the elections season.  Christians shouldn't be among them.