Tuesday, February 19, 2008

On Vacation

I'm on vacation right now and I have to say I am thrilled that I am. I am visiting relatives in Pennsylvania and I am enjoying myself tremendously. I love the countryside here. It is not anything like Arizona and I am happy to see a change. I love the old colonial style houses and the amazing trees that grow everywhere. I know they have no leaves on them, but that just means I can see all their branches. I love the rolling hills and the stone walls that surround so many of the properties. I absolutely love the bridges and underpasses that are everywhere. I could do without the crazy streets and the drivers that fill them, but then every place has its downside. I have been able to rest, which has been the best part of all, and I have been able to just relax and enjoy myself. I've done things I haven't done in forever - like bowling - and I have had the opportunity to try new things and go places I have never been. Over all it has been a very nice trip and I still have three more days to go! The weather here hasn't been terrible either. It's been a bit rainy and the temperature never gets above 48, but that is part of the reason I came here at this time. I like standing outside and feeling a cool crisp wind blow through me. It's not something I will really feel in Tucson. I may even get to see some snow while I am out here, and that would be wonderful. I am finally going to make a trip to see the Atlantic and can then say that I have been on both sides of the United States. Actually, what I am really looking forward to seeing is a lighthouse. Growing up on the western side of the continent I have never had the opportunity to see one; so I am very excited to have the opportunity to see one. So, those are my adventures thus far. I don't know if I will post anymore about my trip, but if I don't I will certainly return to posting when I return.

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