Saturday, February 7, 2009


It's over, and I am relieved. For the past two and a half years I have been working in an environment that is not good for anyone let alone someone who is dealing with major life issues. But this Friday it all came to an end. I have never been so excited to leave a place in my whole life. It took a lot to keep myself from floating as I walked out of my place of employment. I wanted to cry as I drove home. Cry from relief, cry that is was all finally over, cry that it had taken so long to get to this point. I was glad things had ended amicably. It really was time for me to go. The decision was good for me; good for my employer. I spent the night at home last night trying to recover from the stress I have been under. I slept for ten hours straight and could have slept some more if I hadn't had things to do this morning. Finally. I cannot express how much I have needed this. The stress in my life has been growing to monumental proportions for the past four years and it has only been in the past few months that I have been able to start whittling away at the mountain. I am actually beginning to make some progress and I am so happy I am. January was the climax of a lot of things for me and I am so glad it is done and over with. I accomplished a lot but I also suffered a lot. Thankfully there is a new horizon in front of me and I look forward to the journey with much anticipation. Getting sleep helped. I feel better than I have in a long time, but there is more work to do. I need to recover fully and that will be my single-most important goal in the coming days. I will keep you posted as I progress. I hope it will be interesting.

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