Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Grandma

For the past few days I have been sorting through things that belonged to my grandmother. I took several thing with me when I returned from Texas and I have been helping my dad sort through things that he brought back. I've read old cards, looked at pictures and remembered a lot of things. Truth be told, I am still in the grieving process. It has been harder than I thought, but I am getting through it slowly but surely. My grandparents were always very special to me. My grandfather and I were very close and when I lost him I was deeply grieved. In many ways his passing brought me close to my grandmother. She and I shared stories and memories about my grandfather time and time again. But that wasn't all we shared. I knew I could talk to my grandmother about anything: frustrations, excitements, the general goings on of everyday life, and questions about the many things I didn't understand. She was one of the most caring people I have ever met. She could form relationships with anyone. If you were ever a part of our family you were always a part of her life. I can think of the numerous former aunts and girlfriends, step-cousins and friends that she kept in contact with and tried to let know that she cared about them, that they were valuable to her. She used to always say, "You can't control what anybody does, only yourself, and you can always chose to love people." That's how she lived her life. She gave of herself everyday, laid down her life and her plans on numerous occasions to help her friends or her family. She found such joy in being with those she loved and she could let you know what she thought about you without making you think you were the worst person on earth. She had a lot of grandchildren and I am sure there were times when we certainly let her down, but she never said it. She was always so full of encouragement, and the best kind at that - encouragement in the Lord. She was always reminding us that the Lord was real and a part of our lives and we should live to honor Him to the best of our ability. She made sure that those around her knew how important her relationship with the Lord was and she always pointed them to Him, assuring them that He had all the love and help they would ever need. Sure, she scolded and there were times when she would have to make us mind, but there was never a time when we doubted that she loved us unconditionally and would do anything for us. She was unlike any other person I have ever known and I can only hope to live up to her standard of excellence in living this life. The Bible says a virtuous woman is hard to find, her beauty is found in her relationship to God and her family, and that her children will rise up and call her blessed. Grammer, you were truly a virtuous woman and I want to say that you were truly blessed and my life was blessed because you were a part of it. I miss you so much - your smile, your laugh, your tender touch, your encouraging words - but I know the separation is only temporary and I can't wait for the day when I can see you again. Goodbye for now.

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