Sunday, May 18, 2008

What I've Been Up To

I know it's been FOREVER since I last posted, but I've been incredibly busy. This moving/remodeling business is definitely not for the faint of heart. But, thankfully, I am almost done with it all and I am enjoying the fruits of the hard labor. Also, I must mention that I have had some great help these last couple of days and it has done a lot for both my sanity and my sore body. Hehe. Anyway, my house is looking pretty good right about now and I am actually very excited about it. I am thrilled at all the provisions the Lord has made for me and happy that I have made it through this life experience without too much trouble. There's been a lot going on in my life recently and the struggles have been numerous, but God has been so good to me and I feel that I can finally she the sun shining through all the dark clouds that seem to have filled my horizons of late. The Lord has taught me so many things these past few months that I look back and wonder at how it is I have come as far as I have. Perhaps for some it may not seem like such a feat, but for me it is truly a miracle. I must say that looking back over the past year I would have never imagined myself in the place that I now am and that seems so odd to me, but I know that God's ways are never our ways, His thoughts are never our thoughts, so it doesn't really matter what I imagined. All that matters is making sure I am listening to the voice of the Lord and following hard in His footsteps. Then I know He will lead me and guide me and I will always end up where He intends for me to be.

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