Sunday, December 9, 2007


I realize I haven't updated in a while. Sorry. My life has been busy and good computer access has been scarce. There isn't too much that has changed since I did last update. I'm still looking for a new job but it doesn't look likely that I will have one until after the first of the year. I am formulating a plan for attending graduate school including looking at applying to several schools out of state. I will retake the GRE after the first of the year and probably take a few classes next year. No great adventures planned, no ingenious plots hatched. After this year, however, that will be a nice break. This year has been wild and crazy for me and has brought about some major changes. There have been some very painful experiences but also some very good times. I feel like I have grown an exceptional amount, especially in the past few months, and I am finally able to experience things I have been waiting a lifetime to experience. I am thrilled at all the changes and saddened by some of the results, but that seems to be the cycle of life. All you can do is keep moving on and doing your best. For the first time in my life I don't know where I am going or how I am going to get there, and that is okay. I have a general idea of things I want to accomplish and goals I want to meet, but the how or why of those things is still unanswered and, unlike what I normally feel, that doesn't scare me. I am content right now to sit back and enjoy the ride on this crazy course called life.

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