Wednesday, December 12, 2007


The most overused question in the world is "why?", and yet I find it is so appropriate for so many things. There are so many situations in which this question seems to be the only response that you can come up with. I'm not sure how other people's minds and sense of reasoning works but mine works best when I understand what is going on and why it is happening. When I don't understand something my first response is usually "why?" Why do people that say they love you do things to intentionally hurt you? Why do things that seem so simple at times can make the biggest impact on you? Why are some people so loving and caring for no apparent reason while other are so mean and spiteful for the same reason? Why are crazy people allowed to hold positions of power and use their authority to hurt and threaten others? Why are so many people too cowardly to stand up for what is right and so willing to ignore what is wrong? Why is it always easier to do what is wrong that to do what is right? (wait, I already know the answer to that) Why is love such a wonderful thing and yet such a painful thing? Why is hate such a horrible thing and yet such a gratifying thing (at least at certain moments)? Why is it so hard for so many people to understand where you are coming from and what you are trying to say and why is it so hard to effectively communicate it? I could go on for a lifetime, but I think I've made my point. There are so many questions out there, and it would seem too few answers. It is overwhelming at times and I feel as though asking the questions is pointless, but then that wouldn't really solve the problem because the questions are there whether I ask them or not and that means that somewhere the answers are there as well. I guess, that would mean then that my getting answers all depends on whether or not I am willing to keep hunting for the answers to my questions, knowing that even if I were to arrive at all the answers there would still be a multitude more questions that would then need to be answered as well because there will always be situations and circumstances that arise that evoke the only possible response of "why?" Does any of this make sense? Hmm. I think I started to say one thing and wound up saying something else. Oh well. Food for thought. :)

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