Saturday, March 28, 2009

On My Way

Phew! It's been a long few days and now I find myself in a New Mexico airport awaiting a flight to Colorado. When I stop for a moment and reflect on the current situation all I can think is "Wow!" I can't believe things have gone the way they have. Two years ago I was just wishing to get into grad school and now I am flying out to check out a really good prospect. That's right, I am headed to Colorado to meet with people from a graduate program there that has accepted me and that I am very much interested in. This trip is really important to me for many reasons. First, it is the first time in my life that I have traveled somewhere completely on my own. There will be no one at the airport to greet me, no one at the hotel to say good night to, no one to help me navigate the three days I will be away from home. Of course, I am strictly speaking of humans. I am always aware that the Lord is with me, and that is truly a great comfort. But this time, it is just me meeting new people and having to scope out the territory so that I have the best information possible to make this gigantic life decision in front of me. I want to do it and I need to do it, but my nerves are definitely quaking inside me. The second reason this trip is so important is because I have three schools to choose from and I need this trip to help me decide something about this particular school. There are many things that ride on this decision and I am well aware of all of them. I think I know what I will do but I want to be absolutely positive that it is the right decision to make. I know that God is a loving Father Who always looks out for us and, contrary to my upbringing, will help us even when we make wrong decisions, but I want to make the right decision this time and I want to absolutely know it is the right decision. I am putting my complete trust in Him and leaning on Him to help and I know He will direct me in the right way. It's rather strange to me how much peace I actually have right now. I can get pretty stressed out rather easily but this time I am actually alright. I think that's a good thing. =D So, I will continue on to Colorado and pray that the trip is a good one with a good outcome. I think it will be. Actually, I can't wait to see how things look when the trip is over and I have returned home. There are new horizons in front of me and although the dawn has not yet allowed enough light in so that I can see across the expanse, it has let in enough light so that I can see clearly the next few steps in front of me; and that is all I need.

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