Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Rain

It's rainy today and it's beautiful. I love Tucson in the monsoon season. I love to hear the rain as it falls and watch the lightening streak across the sky. I love to hear the thunder and feel it vibrate my very being as it rumbles in the dark sky. I love the rain, especially Tucson summer rain! It's great. Such a blessing. I'm so glad the Lord saw fit to bless us with storms. They are so beautiful and such a great tangible reminder of how wonderful God truly is. I am sitting here remembering how much I posted last summer on the rain and realizing how little I have said about it this summer. Perhaps the rain and storms in my own life have kept me from noticing the magnificent natural occurrences happening all around me. Now, I am pausing to notice and I am thrilled that I have. It's always seemed a little odd to me how much I love the rain when so many see it as dreary and unwanted. I never have seen it that way. It has reminded me of tears a time or two and has seemed like a picture of the inner workings of my person at times, but it has never been a bad thing for me. I love the coolness that the rain brings, the sense of relief - like a long drink after a time of thirst - that it brings, and most of all I love how vibrant it makes the everyday colors and shapes that we see. A tree is just a tree in the sunlight; but darken the sky with clouds and let the rain fall and suddenly it is a vibrant mass of brown and green that seems to shout, "I am ALIVE!!!!" It's wonderful! There's nothing like it. I love to walk outside after it rains and notice the world around me. It never seems to be as vivid and plain to me as it is at that moment. The rain clears the fog and pollutants that cloud the atmosphere and hinder our clear vision of the world, and perhaps it clears our own eyes so that they are opened anew to the wonderful, beautiful world the Lord has created all around us. The rain and what it does is something I will always be thankful for and I am glad I have that reminder of just how beautiful and benevolent my wonderful Saviour is. He gives us rain to help us grow and to wash away all the debris that may cloud our vision. Yes, I love the rain!

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