Thursday, June 14, 2007


Interesting topic, no? I know sex is not the average blog topic but I have a few things I've been wanting to say on the subject for a while and so, now I will. This will by no means be an extensive discussion on sex, nor will it cover every aspect. There is so much to say on the subject and so many good points to make that it could hardly all be written about in one blog post. So, these are just some of my thoughts and observations on this oh so interesting topic. In today's society sex is everywhere. It would seem the media knows of no better selling tool than sex. Everything from cars to clothing to kitchen appliances is being sold using sex appeal. Socially, sex is everywhere. Sleeping with whomever, whenever, however is all perfectly acceptable. Even those whose conscience seems to be somewhat pricked by the fact that they've had numerous partners still don't see it as something truly terrible. It's just a mistake, a bad decision, or poor behavior. I would argue otherwise. Sex is the most sacred thing two people can share. Sex, as it was intended to be, is the highest form of expression of love and is the most intimate you can become with someone. The person that you give yourself to sexually knows you like no one else. Having sex with someone links you to that person not just physically but emotionally. It's almost like giving someone the opportunity to look into your soul and see who you really are. The world's view of sex is one that fits with the idea of us being animals. Sex is merely our drive to procreate and in the process gratify ourselves. Sleeping with someone is not loving that person, rather it is responding to the urge of our hormones and the desires of our physical bodies. It doesn't matter if you engage in sex with multiple partners because there is no real bond between you, merely a common goal of satisfying each other. How sad. Sex is so much more. When God created man He created woman to go along with him. The man needed a partner, someone that would help him. When God created woman He made her from the man, further making the point that the man would not be complete without the woman and now woman would not be complete without the man. The solution? Marriage. The two would be joined together in order to compliment and complete each other. The one without the other was incomplete; they needed each other in order to be the whole person God intended each of them to be. To seal this union, God designed the man and woman to be joined together not only spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, but physically - the two would become one flesh. Their physical union would be the ultimate union and completion of each other, a symbol of their oneness. Sex was never intended to be merely a physical act that gratifies one physically. It was intended to be an expression of love for the one that completes you, a joining together that makes the two inseparable. It was meant to bring the man and woman together and make their relationship stronger. It lets each know how much they need the other and reassures them that they are loved, of value, and complete when they are joined with their spouse. Outside the bounds of marriage sex looses it's sacred purpose. It becomes cheap and impotent, unable to accomplish what it was designed to accomplish. Sure, it may still feel good, it may satisfy you (at least short term), but it can never be what it should be. It becomes something animalistic with none of the expressions of love and care that make it truly wonderful. Instead of being something that brings two people closer, improves their relationship, and strengthens their commitment to each other, it is something totally selfish and becomes an instrument of destruction ultimately causing pain and heartache not only for the two people involved but anyone else they may have a relationship with in the future. It's almost ironic how sex is touted as such an alluring thing in situations that render it only a fraction of what it really could be and was intended to be. It's like baking a cake with none of the ingredients but flour and water and then decorating it and serving it. It may look appealing but it is not anything like a real cake. While you may be fooled by the imitation, once you've had the real thing the counterfeit is so glaringly noticeable as such. So why do so many people sell out and settle for something far inferior to the real thing? Because waiting is hard and living for yourself, as most do, demands that you satisfy your every desire with little to no thought of how it will affect others. What is tragic is that those who choose to trade the real for the counterfeit don't see that they are cheating themselves and are trading something incredible for something that has no worth or value. The real thing is so incredible and of such value that it should be guarded and treated as such. Waiting to have sex as it was intended to be had gives it its proper due and ensures that when you do engage in it the experience will be amazing and completely worth the wait. Truly, the best things come to those who wait.


Scott Jaxon said...
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Scott Jaxon said...

Yes, I agree. And it is always intereting to discuss spiritual, religious matters with you. Sexual union is one of the most sacred things there is. In some Buddhist and Shamanic cultures sex is deemed to be used only for procreation. These traditions say that any other use of sex is an unworthy of the act even if it is used to show love within the boundaries of marriage. The shamanic tradition that I study claim that human beings have been in moral, ethical and spiritual decline since the time of the Agricultural revolution, ten thousand years ago. This shamanic tradition believes that before the downfall of man every human being had a direct link to the infinite creator. With such a direct link early peoples knew what the creator had in mind for them at any instant of any day. Theirs was a perfect union.

As you've mentioned the socio-culture sphere of today runs rampant with the selling of sex and, I would add, it's co-companion instant gratification. People today sell themselves to ideas, notions, and act out fantasies that are dished up upon movie screens. Sex is trite, and vain. Everybody who is anybody is getting some and anyone who is not getting it is a nobody. Shaman's of early days beings used to have a direct link to the infinite creator. The link provided to shamans by the creator supplied them with the means to - I guess you'd call it 'resurrect' themselves in their dreams. This meant that shamans could die to everything in the world that was holding them back from being with the creator and if successful, they could be aware of themselves as themselves and of others in their nightly dreaming in the infinite realm of the creator (what I guess you'd call heaven.) I've read that the Bible says that God speaks to us in dreams. It is amazing why people do not heed that verse! lol Shamans go there and speak if you could call it speaking with what you would call God directly - no Intermediaries.

The link with the infinite creator that modern day shamans work very hard to restore allows them access to direct communication with the creator. If you've ever had a lucid dream - a state wherein you know you are dreaming and you know that you are home in bed - then you know how the infinite creator is everywhere over there. Most average people today make no attempt to contact the infinite creator in their nightly dreams. Shamans believe that the dreams in which one can't awaken and remember themselves are direct reflections of how attentively respectful one is toward each action one takes everyday.

That is to say, that during the day a shaman is aware of each of their acts no matter how small or how big those acts are because the shaman aims to make each act equal in the eyes of the creator. With no act being more important than anything else the shaman can focus on intentionally using these everyday acts to contact the creator. If a link is made with the creator the shaman becomes aware of the infinite creators world by dreaming awake with the creator. The shamanic tradition of which I am a part of believed that sex should only happen there in a state of dreaming awake- in the creators world with a person who was equally disciplined in seeking and knowing the creators wisdom, direct knowledge and infinite presence.