Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What's Up

Just when you think you have a handle on life things get even more hectic than they were. Last week things were super crazy for me. I finally had enough of my boss's craziness and decided to do something about it, I ran into numerous problems with the program I am using for my research, and my relationship issues seemed to be something I just couldn't get a handle on. Then, over the weekend thing calmed down. I regained my composure, took a deep breath and was ready to plunge in again this week, but starting with Monday then went haywire again. The problems at work that started last week carried over to this week and then I found out some bad news from my family. Now I am looking at going on a sudden trip that will last at least three days. I packed early this morning, never tell a woman she has an hour to pack for three days, and then I went to work. To be honest the time off from work would be nice given the environment there hasn't exactly been pleasant, but the circumstances which have called me away are not pleasant in the slightest. So, I am essentially leaving a horrible situation to enter one that brings me no joy and will be hard to deal with. I guess that is how life is sometimes. It runs in cycles, some good areas and some bad.

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