Saturday, December 23, 2006


I'm at home sick tonight, trying to recover from a horrible cold so I can perform Christmas night in a big Messiah production. Nothing is worse than being home sick. You can't do much and you don't really feel like doing much. Well, this is what too much stress gets you. One would think I had learned my lesson by now, but nooooo, not me. I'm just too stubborn for that. I always have to push the limits and see what else I can do. Oh well. I will recover and I'm sure I'll feel much better tomorrow. I have a long weekend in front of me with so many things to do, but most of all I get to celebrate Christmas. I haven't been happier to celebrate this season in my whole life. I don't know why I didn't see it before, but the whole hustle and bustle of the season is so much more enjoyable when the focus is on Jesus and being so grateful for what He did during this time of year. I always wondered how the wise men could rejoice with exceeding great joy when they saw the star that would lead them to Bethlehem, knowing that they had a two year journey ahead of them that was not going to be easy. Now I know it was the realization that God had come down to earth to bridge the gap between Himself and mankind and a feeling of awe that One so great would make such a sacrifice to save us from all of our sins and the many messes that we make in our lives and the lives of those around us. Surely, if they could be excited about following a star to worship Jesus I can be excited about decorating and spreading cheer to others to show my worship and love for Jesus.