Tuesday, January 2, 2007

New Year

It's a new year. There are new chances to succeed, new chances to fail and an entire year to do both. Hopefully the successes will outweigh the failures. The beginning of a year is a good time to stop and reflect on the previous year and make adjustments as necessary. As I start this new year I will admit that I am a bit anxious to see what will happen and a bit hesitant to start a new year. I like knowing where I am going and what is happening next. When you start something and you have no idea how it will end or where you will be when it's over it's a bit scary, at least for me. However, I am also very excited about the opportunites I have before me and everything that the Lord will do in the coming year. There are new challenges to face (yes, I do like challenges) and new goals to achieve. So, here's to a successful year, a better/stronger relationship with the Lord, growing up with out growing old, learning how to love more and give more (and yes, trust more), and actually achieving my goals. 2007 is here.

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