Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Very Enjoyable Day

Considering my day yesterday wasn't exactly good I am more than thrilled that today was so much better. If you asked me what it made it so great I wouldn't be able to point to any one thing. It was just a generally good day. I was able to be with my nephew today, which always puts a smile on my face. We played on scooters (I almost killed myself, but that's another story), we roughhoused, he found out I was ticklish and went to town (boy it was hard getting away from him!) and basically I had an hour and a half of enjoyment. I know I say it all the time, but he is the best thing in my life. I thank God every day for letting me be a part of his life. There were other things about today that were good as well. Work wasn't stressful and the kids I work with every day were more than humerous today so we had several good laughs. It's amazing what laughing can do for you. It always feels like a burden has been lifted or that nothing is as bad as it first seemed. There is a Scripture that I love: "A joyful heart is good medicine." Prov. 17:22 Truly, laughter or merriment is the best medicine in certain situations. I know I needed it coming in to the day and what a pleasant day it made it. So, with that I think I'll post something funny. This is from a Calvin and Hobbs comic and it reminds me of one of my students (a girl no less!!)
Calvin writing: Thursday, Day 4 -- Light winds, good humidity. Progress slow, getting discouraged.
Calvin writing again: I'm only burping - not truly belching. Mellow roundness remains elusive. Harmonics coming along with developing amplitude. Hang in there!
Calvin turns to Hobbs and says: "They say you should keep a log when you take up a sport."

Here's another one since it's right in front of me. Enjoy!!!

Calvin: Mom and Dad say I should make my life an example of the principles I believe in. But every time I do, they tell me to stop it.
Hobbs: I'm not sure that total self-indulgence is really a principle.


Jacqueline said...

Ah! Calvin. He makes life so enjoyable.

femaleparadox said...

Doesn't he, though? Wish there were more like him!!!