Friday, February 23, 2007

My Crazy Mind

My crazy mind is at work again. Full of all sorts of bazaar ideas and thoughts, some logic, very little sense, and some intelligence (just enough to keep me balanced enough to not be admitted anywhere). Why is it that our minds don't have OFF buttons so that when they get out of control we can just turn them off and give ourselves a break? Oh, that would be great! Of course, then we would actually have to remember to turn them back on again and I'm not sure we could do that if they were off to begin with. Hmmmmm. There has to be a solution somewhere. My mind is about to drive me crazy!!!! All the what if's and how's and why's and all the other questions that seem to run through my mind non-stop. Then there are all the scenarios - oh, the impossible, ridiculous, just plain silly, at times very wishful scenarios that my mind can create! Trust me, it is not a pretty sight; rather confusing, chaotic and very rambling. But, oh well, that is me. I can't seem to escape it or change it, so I am learning, or trying - I don't know which is more accurate - to live with it. Although I have no wish to lose my mind entirely (even if it seems I have at times!), I do wish that it would quiet down long enough for me to think sanely and rationally. Of course then there is always the fear that I wouldn't be nearly as interesting a person, but sacrifices for sanity must be made. So, I will keep attempting to deal with this out of control animal that resides inside my skull and in the mean time you all can laugh or cry or be relatively unmoved by the workings of my mind.
Hey, side note. I learned how to post music! YAAAAA!!!! So here is a song from one of my favorite groups.

*About Me* No history today, just some general info. I am a very determined person. I won't say I'm stubborn, but I am persistent, especially in accomplishing goals. It's not that I feel like I should keep going but more that I feel the need to. When pursuing something, I have learned that I may fail several times, but if it is worth it, then keep trying and eventually you will accomplish it.


Jacqueline said...

let's try...Stubborn like a mule.

(but prettier)

femaleparadox said...

Well thanks anyway! lol! I was trying to avoid that phrase. I will admit that I kick like a mule, but I don't know about the rest. . .