Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Day ?! ?! ?! ?!

Wow! My day has been so different. I can't say it's been full of adventure exactly, but somehow it feels that way. It started rather early this morning with me being sort of agitated, mostly because what I wanted for breakfast I couldn't make. Work was alright for the first three hours. After that, well, I won't even go there. I don't think there are words to describe the absolute infernous situation that is my job. So, after work I sat outside for an hour or so and read because my ride was late picking me up. I did enjoy the reading and outside was beautiful today, so, no big deal that my plans were a little off at that point. The problem came when my ride finally showed up and got me home with 5 minutes to grab clothes and put them on and then rush out the door to a performance. Needless to say I looked rather interesting when I arrived at the place we were performing, but smiling and pretending you know what you are doing will do worlds for you. Oh ya, and the 20 minute car ride to get there did help me pull myself together at least somewhat. The performance was great and I actually enjoyed myself. I then went home to watch my nephew and realized there was nothing to eat for dinner. I solved this by concocting some rice dish and spending the next hour in the kitchen getting it ready. When done, I sat down for dinner and to decide whether or not I was going to spend anymore time in the kitchen. As it turned out, I was missing some necessary ingredients for what I wanted to make and that canceled any further plans for cooking. I did a piano practice, lay on my couch and watched the amazing view from my living room window and then decided to take my nephew on a walk. When we got outside the front door there was an amazing, exceptionally vibrant rainbow in the sky. It was huge and the dark clouds in the background gave it the perfect backdrop for showing off its colors. We continued our walk but it started to rain. After walking around in the rain for about 15 minutes, watching a storm roll in, and hearing thunder and lighting grow closer I decided it was time to go home. I must admit that the little kid in me wanted very badly to stay out in that storm, but it was not to be. Back at home, my nephew settled down in the living room with one movie on the TV and one on his DVD player while I talked to my grandmother on the phone for a while. I came back to the living room and thought I was going to lose my mind with both things going at one time, but when my sister came in and started playing her violin I knew I was going to. There was the television blaring, a song playing on the DVD player and violin scales being run. Totally crazy!!!!!! This went on for about 30 minutes and then I had only the TV and the DVD to contend with again. Around 9 o'clock I sent my nephew to bed and I turned on something I wanted to watch. It was a thriller. I was sitting in a dark living room with a thunder storm going on outside watching a scary movie. Hmm. That sounds intelligent. It worked out well though. I was scared out of my mind by the time the movie ended and with my heart racing I gladly turned the TV off. Now I'm wondering how much of that movie I am going to see in my dreams tonight. Really, the guy was so creepy. Ugh, gives me chills to think about him. So, that was my very eventful/non-eventful day and I'm writing about it because the thought of going straight to bed after watching that movie was unthinkable. Now that I've written this I will attempt sleep.

NOTE: Have you ever looked for something your whole life, hoped it really existed, prayed your dream would come true and then been shocked and surprised and even scared when you wake up one day and realize you've found it? My automatic response: How do you know it is what it appears to be and in fact is the very dream you have wished for?

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