Sunday, March 18, 2007

St. Patrick

I know I'm a day late, but better late than never. I was so interested in posting my pictures yesterday that I forgot to post something that was actually relevant to the holiday being celebrated. Although I am only partly Irish, and a small part at that, I have always celebrated St. Patrick's Day. My mom especially liked the holiday and for as long as I can remember I heard all sorts of stories about this famed saint. As I grew up I became curious as to who the real man was and today he is actually a hero of sorts for me. Last year I actually checked out his own writings of his life and it was amazing to see what this man went through. He saw the power of God actually being performed on a daily basis in his ministery. The work he did was hard, but he persevered in it and eventually he saw the fruits of his labor. His prayers and his devotions are not only encouraging but they challenge one to seek God more deeply and to get to intimately know God and Who He is. I guess I'm just in awe of the way he lived his life and the things he saw happen. The legends about him are fun to listen to, but his real life was exciting and purposeful and more inspiring than any legend could hope to be. So, I think I'll keep celebrating this holiday, if not to recognize the small part of me that is Irish, at least to recognize the amazing life this man had and the things he accomplished.

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