Thursday, March 8, 2007


What to say, what to say. Actually, I don't have much to say. I could write about all kinds of things, but oddly enough they don't seem to be the right thing to post. Thursdays are always kinda weird days anyway. They are right in the middle of the week but they feel like the end of the week. Ok, I'm not making much sense, I'll stop now. Hmmm. I guess there isn't much I want to say that I want the world to know about. If I am learning anything right now it is to keep my big mouth shut. There are so many things that are better left unsaid (and most times not thought as well). One thing I will say, I am so glad spring is here and winter is over. I know it may get a little cold again, but the winter is definitely gone. YA!!!!! No more freezing and now we can enjoy gorgeous weather. It was so nice last night I wanted to spend the night outside. There is nothing like a spring night in Arizona when you can just sit under the huge open sky and marvel at the stars, at the universe, at creation. I love it.

*About Me* My schooling. I went to the same school from kindergarten through 12th grade. Shocking, I know, but the truth. The school was a small church school. When I was very young there were probably 40 to 50 students in the school, total. By the time I graduated high school there were maybe 20 to 25. My uncle was the principal, my aunt the English and Literature teacher. My mom helped teach science. There were other teachers, but I knew all of them my whole life, so they were like family as well. Most of the student were from the church but there were several who were not. Needless to say there was nothing ordinary about this schooling experience except maybe the material taught. For most of my schooling experience we used a self-pace program that didn't require a lot of lecturing from the teachers but each student got a lot of individual attention. The school was a college prep school so we took a lot of extra classes and you had to have an A or B average. Nothing below that was acceptable (my average math score in high school was a C or D so I redid a lot of homework!) My class load my junior year of high school looked something like this: English, Math, Science, History, Constitution, Current Events (reading/writing on current events), Bible Study, Literature, and Vocabulary. I know it seems like a lot, but it was manageable and those classes really paid off in college. The school also gave us the opportunity to take art classes and music lessons and encouraged creative writing (usually there were several assignments each year that had to be turned in). There's a lot more to my pre-college school years, but that is them in a nutshell. I know the experience was very different in many ways from the average American student but there were also a lot of similarities, but that is for another time.


Jacqueline said...

funny that you, of all people, should use the word NUTSHELL.....

also, it's pretty obvious that you are a TRUE Arizona sissy. "Freezing" bah! I scoff at you. It's not freezing until you have to crack the ice that's formed in the toilet. Now THAT'S "freezing".

femaleparadox said...

Are you saying I can't be nutshelled or are you saying I'm just a nut? And, yes, I am an Arizona sissy and proud of it. And whoever heard heard of water freezing in a toilet? Where have you been and what have you been doing?
No, wait. Don't even answer that. I'm afraid of the response!